What is a good person and what is a good friend?

I have also wondered this.

Which discourse number is this? Thanks in advance.

To be honest, I also had/have this same question. Technical questions like this seem fundamentally important because the directly affect the way in which someone goes about practicing.

For example, if the Buddha’s advice to find good friends is referring to “anyone who has good qualities,” then based on this information, then I would want to find beings everywhere to the extent that they have good qualities and try to make friends with them.
But if good friends refers to “those who have attained at least the first stage of Nibbana,” then based on this information, I would want to go look very specifically for members of the Noble Sangha.

How can we follow the Buddha’s advice if we are not exactly sure what exactly he meant when he said what he said?

Based on the post, I thought the OP was very well grounded in the EBT’s so I didn’t get any sense of “typical western self-putdown” in this post.

This seems to be yet another case in which studying and having a clear understanding of what the Buddha actually says has very real practical implications for how one is to practice.

For example, I am looking for kalyanamittas here:

If I were to search in accordance with the Dhamma-Vinaya, should I be looking for those who are relatively harmless and beneficial beings or should be looking for those who have attained at least the first stage of Nibbana (i.e. Sangha)?

The answer to the OP’s question could shed some light and clarity on such issues, I think.

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