What is enlightenment?

I searched for last several years to understand this topic the best and its very well expressed by Buddha here, and explained to perfection by S. N. Goenka.


Sabbapāpassa akaraṇaṁ,
kusalassa upasampadā; 
etaṁ buddhāna sāsanaṁ.

English Translation, with additional comments as its root from where Eight fold path is shown

Not to do any evil; -- Follow Right sīla
to embrace the good;  -- Cultivate Right Effort to embrace in what is wholesome
to purify one’s mind:; -- Follow Right samādhi and paññā and eradicate craving and all defilements from its roots
this is the instruction of the Buddhas.

When your mind is free from all defilements and all old sankhāra destroyed, you are enlightened, now the dhamma can be seen inter-connecting with one other Is word of Buddha lost in the noise and translations? - #47 by sumants

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