What is the state of affairs in the Myanmar Mon state, particularly near the Pa-Auk main monastery?

Greetings, dear Venerables and Friends,
Does anyone know what is the current state of affairs around Pa-Auk monastery? A friend of mine went there as a lay practitioner. We were in touch, but five days ago he became silent.
I thought maybe the network is currently down there, hope he’s fine.
I wrote them an email, but thought it would be a nice idea to ask here, since someone might directly know if everything is fine there.
Much mettā!

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Unless you have a pack with him for him to contact you everyday online, I don’t think it’s worth worrying about. It’s normal for people in monasteries to go offline to go serious full time intensive meditation.


Dear Venerable, I agree, but as I mentioned we were in touch when suddenly silence came. I think he would have informed me, that’s why I have some worry. Though I hope of course, that you are right and he’s just practicing intensely.

I don’t know, but I have heard from monks who have left Myanmar that the situation is very bad. Apparently there is, or was, regular sounds of gunfire and bombings. If anyone does have updated news, we would love to hear it.


Hi TimTim,

In the Pa Auk Sayadaw Monastery area, it is safe.

However, in between Yangon and Dawna Hills, Mawlamyine, Mon State nobody can tell.



Thank you for your reply, glad to hear it’s safe!
Do you know whether the mobile network is up there?


Yes, there are local mobile network in Myanmar.


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Myanmar Now

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