What is the Typical Asian Diet?

Cut back on added sugar, processed foods, and simple carbohydrates (opt for complex carbohydrates). This has been my strategy and my most recent blood tests indicate that this has been a wise choice. Stress in my life has caused rapid weight loss and my attending physician has recommended adding protein and complex carbohydrates to my diet to counteract the weight loss. I am still underweight but at least my blood test results show positive results from my new diet.

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So people don’t misunderstand. Temple Grandin designs machines to slaughter animals.

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Wow. Judgemental much. Way to go and paint an autistic person who was subject to ridicule and discrimination while she worked against the status quo as a brutal killer when the truth is she has dedicated her life to improving the life of farm animals and is well known to deplore the fact that animals are killed for meat.

Just so people don’t get misled by the judgemental and biased comment above, Temple Grandin designs pens and stock yards that are much safer for the animals and work with the natural instincts of the animal thereby resulting the animals suffering less injuries, deaths, stress and overall suffering when being yarded up.

She was also horrified by the cruel manner in which cows and other animals were being slaughtered and quite correctly realised that there was absolutely nothing that she could ever do to prevent it from happening, that the majority of people eat meat, it’s just a fact and she could not possibly change that.

So instead she decided to try and do what was possible by fighting the establishment to make the process as humane and painless as possible instead of making futile demands for the killing of animals for meat to be stopped altogether. Everyone knows the likelihood of that happening is zero.

I guess it’s easier to sit back and criticise others rather than actually go out and do something constructive.


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It isn’t judgemental. It is a statement of fact. Temple
Grandin designs machines to slaughter animals.

Actually she designed various types of devices that employ a number of methods to render the animal unconscious prior to it having it’s throat cut by a knife - not ‘machines to slaughter’ so it’s not really a statement of fact at all.

I suppose you would prefer they still do it the way they did before Temple Grandin argued for humane killing and instead have the animal die in terror, panic and fear as their throat is cut and then have hooks put through their hocks and slung upside down to bleed out while still alive and conscious. Quite a lot of needless pain and suffering going on there.

Or perhaps you’d prefer it to be like it was when I witnessed animals being slaughtered here in Australia in the 80’s where a bloke would use a sledge hammer to stun them first - although it might still take three or four blows to put them down - it’s a long shift & a heavy hammer. It was not until it was legislated against that they finally started using stunners to stun them unconscious first.

Or you’d most likely say you’d prefer they kill none at all. Not an option unfortunately, the world is the way it is and not the way we would prefer it to be.

Animal slaughter is never a pretty thing but it can be done with greater or lesser suffering to the animal. Temple managed to make a real impact upon the amount of animal suffering - for thousands and thousands of animals, hundreds of thousands or millions actually - by first of all developing methods to slaughter animals with less cruelty and then after a lot of industry opposition, finally shaming the industry into at least killing the animals in a less cruel way.

Truth does not just exist in a vacuum, it exists in context with other truth and what is a ‘statement of fact’ can look very different when all the facts are available and the full context of the situation is clear.

When you want to want to present a certain image of someone all one has to do is present some facts or in this case, a single fact isolated from it’s context and viola! You have presented an image to others that is far from the actual reality when you look at the full picture.

In fact, that statement may be incorrect. She (a still living person by the way) did not invent the knife or the rock or “slaughter machines”; she advised businesses and human beings on distress and fear and suffering in their facilities and animal management, based on her empathy, education and research. Her intention was based at least in part on empathy and compassion. She also studied autism including in herself, and contributed to greater human understanding and humane responses to autistic or other neuro atypical people.

May all beings have peace and be liberated from all suffering.


How to teach or learn empathy? Perhaps a seed which can be planted is education which makes other beings understandable; predictable or easier to control via another POV; ah, but the seed is awareness of other beings and one’s own being, awareness of conditioning and choice and what affects that; inevitably for some the dust clears a little, one might even look in a mirror and see what has previously been unseen.

:slight_smile: Aversion is no safety, any more than is craving; isn’t the Truth beyond either?

How can suffering end? :smiley: Excellent question, neh?

May all have peace and release from suffering.

If you Google on her name there will be no shortage of articles about Temple Gradin. The machines she makes kills. Look her up on Google, judge for yourself. The facts are there.

Have a good weekend.

Thank you for mentioning that name, I never heard of her before.

It seems to me that this is a case of black and white kamma… Her desire and action for improving the health and treatment of animals is good, while her support of killing animal for food (there is a quote in the Wikipedia article where she says that killing animals for food is ‘ethical’) is bad (in an EBT’sense)…

I don’t understand why you said his statement was wrong… Could it be because she did not design the parts of the system that specifically kill the animals? (But only parts that are used before the killing).
Thanks for bringing this up anyway!

@jhana4 i am willing to work, if we can do so beneficially. This, out of respect for you, and respect for possible benefit for me and maybe others, if we do this as if it matters.

So far, i read generalizations; almost summary judgement language. But surely there are specifics in mind, to justify status as “facts”. We have at least some values in common, we are here, on SC D&D. I do not think a good attempt at communication is useless!

_Edit adding for reduction of possibilities for confusion:

You have asked for judgement; please, present a case.

Can you kindly state [what] are “the facts” which google search are there? I ask, because i seek clarification. The internet has facts; rumors; beliefs; opinions; lies; jokes; gossip; all manner of things can be found there, but not all should be swallowed. So let us limit our search, if this is necessary or beneficial, to some specifics.

What i am finding so far:
PETA essay about Temple Grandin: Helping the Animals We Can’t Save
PETA=People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The comments below the essay were also worth reading.

Temple Grandin’s business website. (Some parts may be disturbing; avoid if troublesome to mind)

Temple Grandin’s TED Talk The World Needs All Kinds of Minds

National Geographic Biographical article

I have not read or reviewed all of these sources; perhaps within them are the facts documented which justify a judgement. But point them out here or elsewhere, please; my eyes are tiring rapidly, and aches are suggesting i go rest. But i will read with interest and respect, if any can point out what should be seen.

I actually said “may be incorrect”.

I also could not quite understand if the intention behind her efforts was considered less relevant than results; but intention matters, neh?

And of course, a living person and their reputation should be handled with care; i think harm could be done otherwise, not just to them, but to others, unless one is free of defilements and speaks skillfully.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean, could you expand?

Very true.

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It seems that her intention includes concern for suffering, for ignorance increasing suffering, for injuries to animals and humans due to ignorance, for beings of all types affected by differences of mind, and conditioned obstacles in beings views to seeing or reducing suffering. If that is so, should not the kamma be at least mixed, from her efforts?

Of course, none of us can know her thoughts; it is for me at least a challenge to know my own, as they arise, persist, then are let go… It seems she has also sought to understand her thoughts, her perceptions, and the thinking and perceptions of others; and to increase understanding and letting go of conditioned blind spots; that seems to me to be non detesible, not a bad or static situation…

All life forms die AFAIK. All life forms consume organic materials AFAIK. The Buddha was asked to require vegetarianism, and did not; i trust this was skillful, for the benefit of many beings, compassionate, not narrow sighted but from perfected wisdom.
