White-robed Eight Preceptor (Anagarika) Training Rules

Hello everyone,

May you all be happy and well.

I’m wondering if anyone could point me where I can find what rules that a white-robed eight preceptor undertakes. Other than the eight precepts, I heard there are smaller rules and could you tell me what they are please? Are they different for males and females?

I’m unclear about wealth. As they do not keep 10 precepts, I assume they can possess money. Any information with regards to:
(1) the allowing of money/property/other wealth possession prior to ordaining, and
(2) receiving money donation/passive income (like rental) after ordaining
would be greatly appreciated.



Are you asking about things found in the canon, or modern practices? Or both? And are you thinking about someone observing them for one day, or more of a lifelong commitment?


If possible, both, please?

More of a lifelong commitment.

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I look forward to seeing this. I think it is particularly interesting.

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Eight precepts just means eight precepts.

If you were required to give up money, that would be ten precepts not eight…

There are no smaller rules.

If you are in an anagarika program, there may be additional etiquette or role related requirements. But this is because of the role, not because of the eight precepts. I would check with the monastery concerned.


Thank you for the answer, Ayya. By ‘white-robed eight preceptor’ I was referring to anagarika, but that term wasn’t in my mind when I was writing the opening post.

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version-v-anagarika-handbook.pdf (774.2 KB)

Here is a random example of an anagarika handbook from Sati Saraniya in Canada which might give an example of what is done at that particular monastery.


Ah, that makes more sense then.

So if by anagarika, you mean someone training to be a monastic (which is what your question seems to be about, although the term is only used that way in modern times) then it’s going to vary completely from place to place.

Some training monasteries will teach the 75 sekhiya rules to the people in training.

Regarding money, all the monasteries I am familiar with strongly discourage anagarikas from getting rid of their money. There is a good chance that the person won’t go on to become a monastic at that monastery, so they shouldn’t be stuck without money.