Who Wants to Learn Pāli? - take 2 (Gair & Karunatillake)

How often does the class meet? Will the meeting time always be 6pm EST?

I would love very much to be able to take this course


The class will meet once a week, James.
I have only recently learned that the USA will begin Daylight Savings on March 10. Hence only the first class will be 6pm for you, then it will change to 7pm.
Hope you can join the class.


I’m interested. I studied Pali at university for two years (we even used Gair and Karunatillake) but that was a long time ago and my knowledge is very rusty. I live on the US East coast and the time works well for me.


Dear @johnk ,

Hope you don’t mind counting me in :smiley:


Thank you for doing this, @johnk. I’m a beginner and would be interested in this.


I will be there John! Thank you so much for the opportunity! I have the book for years and ready to go!
March is perfect for me too.

The first take was very fun and interesting but it was so overwhelming. I was so behind with the homeworks. I got some general sense of how Pali works. But I am excited seeing myself as beginner again.

I am looking forward to your class in March.


Interested! Just purchased the hardcopy on Amazon


I’m in. I’ll purchase the book today and see if I can get a bit of a headstart.


Would very much like to join in the coming course.


Welcome to everybody who has signed up to do this class with me.
I very much look forward to seeing you all on Zoom when we begin on March 3/4!

I have recently discovered that I made a little faux pas when I set the start date for the class as March 3 for those in the US, since it turns out the US starts Daylight Savings Time just one week later at 2am on March 10 this year. Hence, for those on the East coast, class will start at 6pm on March 3, then shift forward an hour to 7pm on March 10. Not ideal, but I’m sure you can all handle it. I don’t wish to change the start date now.

Very Important Note: All communication about the class will be sent via this discussion forum on Sutta Central, including the Zoom links for the class. So, please keep an eye on it. Also, all other discussion on Pāli resources, homework assignments, any questions that students have on the material, etc. all will be done through this forum.

More information later. If you have any questions, please post them right here.


Thanks for offering this new class.

I hope to attend and watch a master Pali teacher in action !


I am very interested in participating. I’ve just started working through the G&K text on my own, and this will be a huge boon for me. Thank you so much for offering!


Is there a cost to take this course? How do I register?



Hi Stephen. As well as being highly skilled in Pāli, a fine teacher yourself, and always very helpful to students in the current class in answering questions, I see you are also a master in the art of flattery! :pray:

I’d be delighted to have you as an assistant teacher in the class and someone available to fill in if I am indisposed or away some time, thus ensuring continuity of the class.


Hello John. You have registered already just by posting a message showing your interest here, and I’ve added your name to the list. Welcome!

Regarding cost for the course, you raise a very fine question, which I’ve been meaning to post a message about.

There is no formal cost for the course, as I’m happy to offer my service as a teacher freely. My personal reward comes from the satisfaction of finding so many people interested in learning Pāli, and the happiness I feel when I see light-bulbs go off in people’s brains as they grasp something difficult.
But, I’m also a firm believer in the value of the principle of Dāna, where students can show their gratitude to the teacher, and cultivate their own generosity, by offering a monetary donation of whatever amount is comfortable (monastics excepted, of course). Since I don’t need anything personally, I would be happy if those who are moved and able to offer dāna for the class would donate to either of these two organizations:
Buddhist Global Relief (Bhikkhu Bodhi’s charitable organization tackling hunger around the world), or Sutta Central itself, which constantly seeks resources to fund the great work they do bringing the Buddha’s words to everybody around the world. See links below:



Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement.

I’m happy to assist in any way I am able.


Hello John,

I wasn’t meaning to register. I was asking because I write a weekly email for the sangha that I am involved with and one of the sangha members asked me to let the others know about this course. So please unregister me, but I will pass the info along to my sangha.

John Moeller


Hi, I’m Charly Felling
I’ve been studying the middle length disc courses of the Buddha with Philip Jones for the past couple of years.
He emailed some information about your Pali course to our group .
I am definitely interested to be a committed student ,to learn Pali, with the intention of furthering my understanding of the teachings of the Buddha .


No problem, John. Thanks.