Who Wants to Learn Pāli? - take 2 (Gair & Karunatillake)

Hello, I am interested in the Pali?-take 2 course.

Many thanks


I woud like to take the course, John. Just ordered the book.
thank you for this offering.


I am interested! I wanted to access venerable Sujato’s course but in dependence on work schedule and my EST time zone it became very difficult. Thank you for offering this.


Thank you for offering the course. I am interested and really look forward to joining the class. Best, Mickey


Hi John and all, wow, I’m so happy to see this taking shape! I look forward to the day when a new generation of scholars can render my translations useless! :pray:


Hi John,
Thank you very much for remembering of my interest in learning Pali and letting me know about the new course that will start on March 3 at 6 pm on East Coast of USA.
Looking forward to joining you.


I’m interested. East coast US so it would be perfect time-wise. I studied Latin in college but that was many years ago so fingers crossed that I can keep up!!


I’m sure you’ll be able to keep up, as I’ll be going at a gentle beginners’ pace. And having studied Latin (or Greek or similar) is a plus since you’ll already have some familiarity (that others might not have) with the concept of noun declensions and verb conjugations, which Pāli is replete with.

Welcome to you, Kim, and welcome to all others who have recently signed up.


That’s great to hear, John. Would you please let me know where to sign up? Thank you!!

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Hi John,

I received my copy of the book from Amazon, but unfortunately they sent me the softcover, even though I ordered the hardcover. Is there enough of a difference that it’s worth returning and trying to reorder? I also have the .pdf copy of the book.

Right now, I’m trying to work my way through De Silva’s Pali Primer as far as I can before picking up Gair & Karunatillake.

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Not John, but I have various editions and there is no difference, to my knowledge, between any printed edition.

(I believe the request is for a hardcopy, physical paper, not necessarily a hard-covered, book. )


Registering your interest in this forum here is signing up. No further step needed at this point.

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As Stephen says - there is no difference in printed editions. When I suggested one might be better off with a hard copy of G&K, I actually meant a book you can hold in your hand as opposed to a pdf on your screen.

Right now, I’m trying to work my way through De Silva’s Pali Primer

Excellent idea! This will be a big help before tackling G&K, and I recommend it to others too. De Silva’s Primer is available online as a pdf, so easy to do for everybody.


I love hard copies, too. But since I’ve found the Foxit program (free version is available), which can be used to edit PDF files, I’ve found it helpful to take notes on the ‘original’ soft file of the book. This is what I did when learning with Bhante Sujato (I admit that my typing is slower than my hand-writing, but it works well when the teacher doesn’t speak so fast!).

This is not to say that hard copies are no longer good, but just to give us another way of taking notes in your class.


Hello! I am interested in taking this Pali course and have a textbook on order. Thank you for this generous offering of your time and teachings, I look forward to learning from you.


Hi John, many thanks for this course offering! I am very interested in joining, beginning on March 3rd (I’m in US Eastern Time zone), and already have the book on order. Looking forward to it!


Hi. I am interested to join the pali class and I am new here. Will get the book. Thanks.


I am interested, will there be an exam and a cirtificate at the end/completion


Hello. Please consider me for the Pali course. I will purchase the required book.
Thank you,


Very happy :smiley: to welcome several more students to my Pāli class which begins early next month. I now have 33 students signed up. Keep an eye on this thread for more information about the class over the coming weeks.

In response to @AMK who asked about whether there would be an exam and a certificate at the end, the answer is no to both. But there will be homework assigned each week which all are expected to do.