Who Wants to Learn Pāli? - take 2 (Gair & Karunatillake)

For all beginning Pāli students who have not studied any Pāli at all, which I believe is most of you, I would recommend using the 4 weeks or so between now and when class begins on March 3/4 to look through the first 8 lessons of Lily de Silva’s Pāli Primer, which is freely available on the web and which I will upload here
Pali Primer De Silva.pdf (356.5 KB)

These first 8 lessons will introduce you all gently to the 8 cases used in Pāli noun declensions, which appear all at once in the first lesson of Gair and Karunatillake (which can be a bit overwhelming). And if you have no idea about the concept of a ‘case’ or a ‘declension’, don’t worry. You’ll get the idea reading the Primer and I will be going over it all again at our first lesson.


I would like to participate in the March class.


Important Announcement for All Students who have expressed interest in the Pāli Beginners Class I am teaching starting next month.

This class will now be starting one week later than originally advertised - now March 10 or 11 (depending on your time zone).

There are two reasons for this:

  1. I have just finished teaching another Pāli class based on Warder, and need a little more time between ending one class and starting another.

  2. Daylight Savings Time starts in the US on the morning of Sunday 10 March, and it appears a significant number of you who have signed up are from the US time zone. Thus it would be better to not start the class at one time slot and just one week later change times. So, it is now

  • 7pm Sunday 10 March, US East Coast,
  • 4pm Sunday 10 March, US West Coast,
  • 9am Monday 11 March, for me in Brisbane, Australia (this is 10am in Sydney, Melbourne, etc. who are on DST until 7 April, then it will revert to 9am).
  • All other time zones, I trust you to be able to work it out yourselves.

I hope this is clear.


I see a few people already have clicked the ‘like’ on my post about the change of class start date. Actually, it would be really good if everybody intending to take this class does the same. Whether you like the changed date, dislike it, or are indifferent, clicking this let’s me know that you have read and understand the post.

Also, for those of you new to the Sutta Central Discuss and Discover forum, it gets you a little more familiar with using it (click on the heart symbol at bottom of post). Thanks.


Dear John
We would like to join in your new Pali course starting on March 11. The class start time in New Zealand will be 12 noon. Kind regards, Alison and Hugo


Myself and a couple of Venerables/Anagarikās will be following the class,
But unable to attend live. We will listen to the recordings (we have arranged with someone to share these with us) and use the thread to ask questions.
Thank you kindly for running this class, much appreciated.


Dear John,

Thanks for the information about the start date and time of the course. I will be joining the class from Thailand and I understand that the start time of the course will be 6am on March 11, 2024.

Kind regards,



I am interested, thanks for the opportunity.


This message is for the following people (see below) who have earlier expressed interest in joining the Pāli class, who have not yet confirmed that they have seen my recent post from a few days ago about the class beginning one week later than originally advertised, that is, three weeks from today, March 10/11. You can confirm by hitting the ‘like’ button (a small heart) at bottom of this post.

It turns out I need to send this message more than once, since I can only include a max of 10 SC forum handles in one post.

Also, unless you are regularly keeping an eye on this thread, you may have missed my message from Feb 5 where I said:

For all beginning Pāli students who have not studied any Pāli at all, which I believe is most of you, I would recommend using the 4 weeks or so between now and when class begins on March 3/4 to look through the first 8 lessons of Lily de Silva’s Pāli Primer, which is freely available on the web and which I will upload here
Pali Primer De Silva.pdf (356.5 KB)
These first 8 lessons will introduce you all gently to the 8 cases used in Pāli noun declensions, which appear all at once in the first lesson of Gair and Karunatillake (which can be a bit overwhelming). And if you have no idea about the concept of a ‘case’ or a ‘declension’, don’t worry. You’ll get the idea reading the Primer and I will be going over it all again at our first lesson.


Also, unless you are regularly keeping an eye on this thread, you may have missed my message from Feb 5 where I said:

For all beginning Pāli students who have not studied any Pāli at all, which I believe is most of you, I would recommend using the 4 weeks or so between now and when class begins on March 3/4 to look through the first 8 lessons of Lily de Silva’s Pāli Primer, which is freely available on the web and which I will upload here
Pali Primer De Silva.pdf (356.5 KB)
These first 8 lessons will introduce you all gently to the 8 cases used in Pāli noun declensions, which appear all at once in the first lesson of Gair and Karunatillake (which can be a bit overwhelming). And if you have no idea about the concept of a ‘case’ or a ‘declension’, don’t worry. You’ll get the idea reading the Primer and I will be going over it all again at our first lesson.


Also, unless you are regularly keeping an eye on this thread, you may have missed my message from Feb 5 where I said:

For all beginning Pāli students who have not studied any Pāli at all, which I believe is most of you, I would recommend using the 4 weeks or so between now and when class begins on March 3/4 to look through the first 8 lessons of Lily de Silva’s Pāli Primer, which is freely available on the web and which I will upload here
Pali Primer De Silva.pdf (356.5 KB)
These first 8 lessons will introduce you all gently to the 8 cases used in Pāli noun declensions, which appear all at once in the first lesson of Gair and Karunatillake (which can be a bit overwhelming). And if you have no idea about the concept of a ‘case’ or a ‘declension’, don’t worry. You’ll get the idea reading the Primer and I will be going over it all again at our first lesson.


Hi @johnk, alas I can no longer commit to the time slot and hence have gone the OCBS route. Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity!


I hope I pushed the right button, if not, I will meet you on March 10/11.
Thanks for letting me know.

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Thanks for flagging this!

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Thanks for letting me know, Julien.
Out of curiosity - what’s the OCBS route?
Anyway, all the best,

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Distance learning from the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies.


Yes. I studied the first quarter of Gair & Karunatillaka in the early aughts.


Hi John! Thanks for your patience while I waffled. Would love to join you, if there’s still room.

:sun_with_face:, Karuṇā

PS. This is confirmation to acknowledge updated start of 3/10-11. :white_check_mark:


I would like to join the course if still possible:)


Dear @johnk, I am very grateful to have taken part in the previous Pāli course and I am pleased that the recent course is so well received. As this course time falls in the middle of the night in the CE Time Zone, I am unfortunately unable to attend this one.

Is it possible to record the sessions again and make them available to other Pāli learners in this forum so that they could take part asynchronous?


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