Who Wants to Learn Pāli? - take 2 (Gair & Karunatillake)

No problem, Alan. I think some other people will be participating that way too.



Dear John,
Thank you for teaching _/_ I’m a newbie and would really like the opportunity to learn Pali. Joining from Colombo, Sri Lanka starting 11 March (4.30 am). Please register my name. Thank you _/_
Kanchana B


Dear John, I would like to join this beginner course. Will there be space please? Much Metta


Hello, I’d love to join this course if possible! Not sure if there’s a way to confirm me, but would really love to be a part.


Just heard about this course today, excited. Just ordered the book, new to Pali and looking forward to the class.


Keep checking this SC discussion thread for more information.

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John, hope you’re OK with me posting the Lesson 1 homework thread below:


Thank you for the updates. I will not be able to attend the course. Wishing you the blessings of the Triple Gem.

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greetings, i’m new to this and technologically challenged :slightly_smiling_face:. i am grateful for this offering and would like to give the intro to Pali class a try. i have ordered a hard copy of the recommended book!


Welcome! Keep your eye on this thread.

How do I find the zoom link for the pali class for this evening I’m in the US

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Hi John, I would like to join your online Pali class. I will order the book today. I am overjoyed that there is an online and accessible class.

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Glad you have found us, Anne, and you are most welcome to join the class. Of course, I hope you understand that we have had 3 lessons already with our 4th coming up in 3 days time, so if you have no prior Pāli learning experience at all, you will have to work hard to catch up. The recordings of the earlier classes are available if you wish - contact @sumana for access to them.

I see you have ordered the book, which is good. In the meantime, while you are waiting for it to arrive you can use the pdf version available online, see Processing: New Pali Course Gair Karunatillake.pdf…

See you on Zoom in a few days, John

P.S. Where are you located and do you have any prior Pāli grammar learning experience?

Hi John, thanks for your reply. I am listening to your recordings while waiting for the book.
I am from Sydney.
I am not sure where the link is for your class

Class 4

Oh dear, I’m really sorry about that, Anne. I assumed you knew.
Save this web-link here:

And then from here you can go to the appropriate class thread which has the Zoom link and information about the homework, etc. This week was Class 4, and next week will be Class 5. But even so, the zoom link is the same for each class anyway.

You can use each class thread for questions, and you can see what other students have been discussing about the classes.

Thankyou I will check it out.
