Wow! This website is great!

Thank you so much @faymatt, and welcome to the forum!


Hi, @Vimala, thank you!
Is this web application open source?
Also, this post was flagged, but my account is no longer on hold. :worried:

Thank you, again! Really glad to be here.

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It is and you can find all the repros here:

Can’t see any flags but will enquire.

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Thank you!

Hm, that’s strange. Perhaps it’s only like this for me, and hasn’t yet updated since my account was approved.

I found out what it is: you only just joined and than posted and that automatically triggers the system to block your message. It has probably something to do with an anti-spam filter. But don’t worry, you’re welcome to post :slight_smile:


Ah, ok, great! :smile: Thank you @Vimala


Here’s a nice reading feature others might appreciate. It’s super easy to zoom in on text (make it larger and easier to read) in Firefox 58 (I’m on a PC), by holding down Ctrl, then rolling the mousewheel forward slowly. The text size increases. The degree to which you’ve zoomed in is also shown in the address bar, see red arrow below:


This is an excellent resource. Prase be to suttacentral!


Great advice! It also works with ctrl -> + If you’d like to change the text back to its original size, ctrl -> 0

That’s what I usually use anyway, haha! Which operating system are you using? It looks great.


Looks like Manjaro (a fork of Arch GNU+linux) with the GNOME Desktop Environment.

@subharo, have you considered Artix (Arch sans the dreaded SystemD)? Would probably be trivial to get GNOME up in there or any other WM/DE you wanted.

Also, are you on vanilla kernel? Any reason not to be on linux-libre?