Zero search results for "compassion"

I searched compassion and got 0 results. This is the resulting url from the search SuttaCentral

I am afraid something might be amiss with the search function, I cannot find results in the sources, only in dictionaries.

It works when searching in Pali

For those coming from a western standpoint, the meaning of compassion within Theravada should not be misunderstood. It is one of three factors making up the second link of the noble eightfold path, right intentions, where it is called harmlessness:

" Since the most important formulation of right view is the understanding of the Four Noble Truths, it follows that this view should be in some way determinative of the content of right intention. This we find to be in fact the case. Understanding the four truths in relation to one’s own life gives rise to the intention of renunciation; understanding them in relation to other beings gives rise to the other two right intentions. When we see how our own lives are pervaded by dukkha, and how this dukkha derives from craving, the mind inclines to renunciation — to abandoning craving and the objects to which it binds us. Then, when we apply the truths in an analogous way to other living beings, the contemplation nurtures the growth of good will and harmlessness. We see that, like ourselves, all other living beings want to be happy, and again that like ourselves they are subject to suffering. The consideration that all beings seek happiness causes thoughts of good will to arise — the loving wish that they be well, happy, and peaceful. The consideration that beings are exposed to suffering causes thoughts of harmlessness to arise — the compassionate wish that they be free from suffering."—Bikkhu Bodhi

The Theravada view of compassion means developing one’s own practice first:

“In sum, then, from an early Buddhist viewpoint to cultivate
compassion does not stand in conflict with withdrawing into
meditative seclusion. As long as one’s motivation comprises the
aspiration to benefit others, regularly retreating for dedicated
practice is certainly an integral part of the cultivation of compassion.
In fact to some extent it could even be considered a requirement for
proper compassionate activity to do so, in as much as dedicated
training of the mind lays the proper foundation for being able to
react with patience and compassion when interacting with others.
The more the mind is purified from defilements, the better one
will be able to react compassionately and thereby truly benefit

It is worthwhile studying this text to gain insight into the Theravada point of view of personal practice and teaching as the effective expressions of compassion. It also includes instructions on how to practice compassion in daily life (VII).

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Paul, I’m not asking what compassion means. I’m (attempting) to file a bug report.


The search has been all kinds of broken for some time. If you do a search for “search” on the forum you will probably find many posts similar to yours.


Thanks @Snowbird, let me look into this once I get access to the forum from a laptop.