2019: The Year in Review

Top #Translations Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
English Translation of Chinese Agamas 67
Wanted :female_detective: : Translator for SC-Voice interface 33
Dhammapada 1: The Pairs (Dhp 1–20) 28
My own renditions of some suttas 24
Error in MA 2 third jhana formula (Charles Patton trans.) 21

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Dhammapada chapter 5: The Fool 25
English Translation of Chinese Agamas 24
My own renditions of some suttas 19
Dharma Pearls Updates 17
Dhammapada 1: The Pairs (Dhp 1–20) 15

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Wanted :female_detective: : Translator for SC-Voice interface 154
English Translation of Chinese Agamas 124
My own renditions of some suttas 62
New website with complete Sinhala Tipitaka translation 39
Legacy of Venerable Dr. Bhante Punnaji 32

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Dhammapada chapter 5: The Fool 31
My own renditions of some suttas 29
Dharma Pearls Updates 29
Dhammapada 1: The Pairs (Dhp 1–20) 28
Dhammapada chp. 7: The Perfected Ones (90–99) 25
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