2021: The Year in Review

Top #Discussion Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Leigh Brasington and "Jhana-Lite" (Why there is no such thing as "jhāna-lite") 128
Erasure of Women and Queer Voices in EBTs 98
On the illegality of Bhik(kh/s)uni Ordination 82
Why Can't Buddhist Monks Ride Bicycles? 74
I don't think (hard)jhana is needed to attain nibbana 72

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Erasure of Women and Queer Voices in EBTs 33
Pali words with a different meaning today 29
Ven Anālayo's new book ~ Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions, A Historical Perspective 26
On the illegality of Bhik(kh/s)uni Ordination 26
Full Pāḷi Tipiṭaka overview 22

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
I don't think (hard)jhana is needed to attain nibbana 179
Question for Ajahn Brahmali about arahant after death 162
On the illegality of Bhik(kh/s)uni Ordination 98
Is the list of the twelve nidanas late? 91
What is nāma rūpa and how does it relate to the 5 aggregates? 91

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Erasure of Women and Queer Voices in EBTs 36
Pali words with a different meaning today 34
On the illegality of Bhik(kh/s)uni Ordination 34
Ven Anālayo's new book ~ Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions, A Historical Perspective 34
Health tips from the EBTs? 27

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Are the early suttas against the view that mind is an emergent property from the body? 12
What is nāma rūpa and how does it relate to the 5 aggregates? 10
On the authenticity of modern meditation methods 10
The Role of Blissful States in Buddhist Meditation 9
Leigh Brasington and "Jhana-Lite" (Why there is no such thing as "jhāna-lite") 8