A request for sanity

Hey @HongDa and anyone else involved in Suttacentral I have a request.

Can we please change the color scheme of the logo that appears as the tab icon for discuss and discover to a different set of colors to suttacentral?

I am forever having about 50 suttacentral tabs open to argue my endless points with @sunyo etc and I am forever having to scour them to see which one is the discussion page!

anyone else who has had this experience please rally to the cause and post your support for this idea here! :slight_smile:


What synchronicity. I was thinking about this myself just a few days ago. In the old days they used to be just that - the same logo, but in two different colour schemes


I’m not the administrator of the forum, so I don’t know how to change the logo. :pray:


That would be @musiko I believe?


Yes, it’s Musiko that can change it. But I do t know who exactly makes the decision. Maybe the new com.ittee?

I agree it should have a different icon, mostly so people get a hint that the translations are one thing and the forum is another.


We can probably just invert the colours, but remember to do the favicon too.


Here is the logo inverted with a yellow center to make it a bit more distinct:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="#ffc107" class="sc_logo icon" viewBox="0 0 8000 8000" style=""><g transform="matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 -3131 7914)"><path fill="#b30309" d="m42610 39140 88-157c417-753 875-1392 1446-2018 157-172 532-545 694-689 1296-1161 2875-1966 4440-2265 678-130 1536-118 2630 35 2345 328 5208 1211 7465 2303 135 65 248 116 252 112 5-5 382-948 742-1855 386-895 787-1828 787-1836 0-6-116-50-258-99-2368-824-5017-2224-6907-3650-881-666-1497-1264-1884-1835-895-1318-1443-3004-1538-4741-13-217-14-746-4-978 39-847 167-1622 405-2450l49-173 173-49c827-237 1603-365 2449-404 233-11 762-9 978 3 1738 96 3423 643 4741 1538 572 388 1170 1003 1835 1885 1427 1890 2827 4539 3650 6907 50 141 94 257 99 257 8 1 941-400 1837-787 906-360 1849-736 1855-742 4-4-47-117-112-252-1092-2257-1975-5120-2303-7465-153-1094-165-1952-35-2630 299-1565 1104-3144 2265-4440 144-162 517-537 689-694 626-571 1265-1029 2018-1446l157-88 157 88c753 417 1392 875 2018 1446 172 157 545 532 689 694 1161 1296 1966 2875 2265 4440 130 678 118 1536-35 2630-328 2345-1211 5208-2303 7465-65 135-116 248-112 252 5 6 948 382 1855 742 895 387 1828 788 1836 787 6 0 50-116 99-257 824-2368 2224-5017 3650-6907 665-882 1264-1497 1835-1885 1318-895 3004-1442 4741-1538 217-12 745-14 978-3 847 39 1622 167 2450 404l173 49 49 173c237 828 365 1603 404 2450 11 232 9 761-4 978-95 1737-642 3423-1537 4741-388 571-1003 1169-1885 1835-1890 1426-4539 2826-6907 3650-141 49-257 93-257 99-1 8 400 941 787 1836 360 907 736 1850 742 1855 4 4 117-47 252-112 2257-1092 5120-1975 7465-2303 1094-153 1952-165 2630-35 1565 299 3144 1104 4440 2265 162 144 537 517 694 689 571 626 1029 1265 1446 2018l88 157-88 157c-417 753-875 1392-1446 2018-157 172-532 545-694 689-1296 1161-2875 1966-4440 2265-678 130-1536 118-2630-35-2345-328-5208-1211-7465-2303-135-65-248-116-252-112-6 5-382 949-742 1855-387 896-788 1829-787 1836 0 6 116 50 257 99 2368 824 5017 2224 6907 3651 882 665 1497 1263 1885 1835 895 1318 1442 3003 1537 4741 13 216 15 745 4 978-39 846-167 1622-404 2449l-49 173-173 49a10292 10292 0 0 1-3428 401c-1737-95-3423-643-4741-1538-571-387-1170-1003-1835-1884-1426-1891-2826-4539-3650-6907-49-142-93-258-99-258-8 0-941 401-1836 787-907 360-1850 736-1855 742-4 4 47 117 112 252 1092 2257 1975 5120 2303 7465 153 1094 165 1952 35 2630-299 1565-1104 3144-2265 4440-144 162-517 537-689 694a10353 10353 0 0 1-2018 1446l-157 88-157-88c-753-417-1392-875-2018-1446-172-157-545-532-689-694-1161-1296-1966-2875-2265-4440-130-678-118-1536 35-2630 328-2345 1211-5208 2303-7465 65-135 116-248 112-252-6-6-949-382-1855-742-896-386-1829-787-1837-787-5 0-49 116-99 258-823 2368-2223 5016-3650 6907-665 881-1263 1497-1835 1884-1318 895-3003 1443-4741 1538a10353 10353 0 0 1-3427-401l-173-49-49-173c-238-827-366-1603-405-2449-10-233-9-762 4-978 95-1738 643-3423 1538-4741 387-572 1003-1170 1884-1835 1890-1427 4539-2827 6907-3651 142-49 258-93 258-99 0-7-401-940-787-1836-360-906-737-1850-742-1855-4-4-117 47-252 112-2257 1092-5120 1975-7465 2303-1094 153-1952 165-2630 35-1565-299-3144-1104-4440-2265-162-144-537-517-694-689a10353 10353 0 0 1-1446-2018l-88-157Z"></path><circle cx="71312.7" cy="39140.2" r="6000" fill="#ffc107"></circle><path d="m46582 63890-8 7-6-13-13-5 8-9-92-270c-761-2304-1034-4766-809-7267a19782 19782 0 0 1 2261-7504 19782 19782 0 0 1-6905-3708c-1928-1610-3475-3544-4566-5711-57-112-105-211-127-256l-11-1 5-13-5-13h11c22-46 70-145 127-257 1091-2167 2638-4101 4566-5710a19782 19782 0 0 1 6905-3708 19782 19782 0 0 1-2260-7505c-226-2501 47-4963 808-7266l92-271-8-9 13-5 6-13 8 8c48-17 152-53 271-92 2304-761 4765-1035 7266-809a19782 19782 0 0 1 7505 2260 19782 19782 0 0 1 3708-6905c1610-1928 3544-3475 5711-4566 112-56 210-105 256-126l1-12 13 5 13-5v12c46 21 145 70 257 126 2167 1091 4101 2638 5710 4566a19782 19782 0 0 1 3708 6905 19782 19782 0 0 1 7505-2260c2501-226 4962 48 7266 809 119 39 224 75 271 92 5-6 8-8 9-8l5 13 13 5-8 9c17 47 53 152 92 271 761 2303 1035 4765 809 7266a19782 19782 0 0 1-2260 7505 19782 19782 0 0 1 6905 3708c1928 1609 3475 3543 4566 5710 56 112 105 211 126 257h12l-6 13 6 13-12 1c-21 45-70 144-126 256-1091 2167-2638 4101-4566 5710a19782 19782 0 0 1-6905 3709 19782 19782 0 0 1 2260 7505c226 2500-48 4962-809 7266-39 119-75 223-92 270l8 9-13 5-5 13c-1 1-4-2-9-7l-271 92c-2304 760-4765 1034-7266 808a19782 19782 0 0 1-7505-2260 19782 19782 0 0 1-3708 6905c-1609 1928-3543 3475-5710 4566-112 57-211 105-257 127v11l-13-5-13 5-1-11c-46-22-144-70-256-127-2167-1091-4101-2638-5710-4566a19782 19782 0 0 1-3709-6905 19782 19782 0 0 1-7505 2260c-2501 226-4962-48-7266-808l-271-92Zm-3884-24593c417 753 875 1392 1446 2018 157 172 532 545 694 689 1296 1161 2875 1966 4440 2265 678 130 1536 118 2630-35 2345-328 5208-1211 7465-2303 135-65 248-116 252-112 5 5 382 949 742 1855 386 896 787 1829 787 1836 0 6-116 50-258 99-2368 824-5017 2224-6907 3651-881 665-1497 1263-1884 1835-895 1318-1443 3003-1538 4741-13 216-14 745-4 978 39 846 167 1622 405 2449l49 173 173 49a10284 10284 0 0 0 3427 401c1738-96 3423-643 4741-1538 572-387 1170-1003 1835-1884 1427-1891 2827-4539 3650-6907 50-142 94-258 99-258 8 0 941 401 1837 787 906 360 1849 736 1855 742 4 4-47 117-112 252-1092 2257-1975 5120-2303 7465-153 1094-165 1952-35 2630 299 1565 1104 3144 2265 4440 144 162 517 537 689 694 626 571 1265 1029 2018 1446l157 88 157-88c753-417 1392-875 2018-1446 172-157 545-532 689-694 1161-1296 1966-2875 2265-4440 130-678 118-1536-35-2630-328-2345-1211-5208-2303-7465-65-135-116-248-112-252 5-6 948-382 1855-742 895-386 1828-787 1836-787 6 0 50 116 99 258 824 2368 2224 5016 3650 6907 665 881 1264 1497 1835 1884 1318 895 3004 1442 4741 1538a10353 10353 0 0 0 3427-401l174-49 49-173c237-827 365-1603 404-2449 11-233 9-762-4-978-95-1738-642-3423-1537-4741-388-572-1003-1170-1885-1835-1890-1427-4539-2827-6907-3651-141-49-257-93-257-99-1-7 400-940 787-1836 360-906 736-1850 742-1855 4-4 117 47 252 112 2257 1092 5120 1975 7465 2303 1094 153 1952 165 2630 35 1565-299 3144-1104 4440-2265 162-144 537-517 694-689 571-626 1029-1265 1446-2018l87-157-87-157c-417-753-875-1392-1446-2018-157-172-532-545-694-689-1296-1161-2875-1966-4440-2265-678-130-1536-118-2630 35-2345 328-5208 1211-7465 2303-135 65-248 116-252 112-6-5-382-948-742-1855-387-895-788-1828-787-1836 0-6 116-50 257-99 2368-824 5017-2224 6907-3650 882-666 1497-1264 1885-1835 895-1318 1442-3004 1537-4741 13-217 15-746 4-978-39-847-167-1622-404-2450l-49-173-173-49c-828-237-1603-365-2450-404-233-11-761-9-978 3-1737 96-3423 643-4741 1538-571 388-1170 1003-1835 1885-1426 1890-2826 4539-3650 6907-49 141-93 257-99 257-8 1-941-400-1836-787-907-360-1850-736-1855-742-4-4 47-117 112-252 1092-2257 1975-5120 2303-7465 153-1094 165-1952 35-2630-299-1565-1104-3144-2265-4440-144-162-517-537-689-694a10353 10353 0 0 0-2018-1446l-157-88-157 88c-753 417-1392 875-2018 1446-172 157-545 532-689 694-1161 1296-1966 2875-2265 4440-130 678-118 1536 35 2630 328 2345 1211 5208 2303 7465 65 135 116 248 112 252-6 6-949 382-1855 742-896 387-1829 788-1837 787-5 0-49-116-99-257-823-2368-2223-5017-3650-6907-665-882-1263-1497-1835-1885-1318-895-3003-1442-4741-1538-216-12-745-14-978-3-846 39-1622 167-2449 404l-173 49-49 173c-238 828-366 1603-405 2450-10 232-9 761 4 978 95 1737 643 3423 1538 4741 387 571 1003 1169 1884 1835 1890 1426 4539 2826 6907 3650 142 49 258 93 258 99 0 8-401 941-787 1836-360 907-737 1850-742 1855-4 4-117-47-252-112-2257-1092-5120-1975-7465-2303-1094-153-1952-165-2630-35-1565 299-3144 1104-4440 2265-162 144-537 517-694 689a10353 10353 0 0 0-1446 2018l-88 157 88 157Z"></path></g></svg>

This is what it looks like with a black centre:

Honestly I’m not sure if as a favicon it will be very distinct. Also, the inverted colours won’t work with the dark theme on the forum without some kind of a line around the outside.


For what it’s worth, it seems easier to me to distinguish the favicon with the black dot in the center from the default one. But they remain quite similar nevertheless and may be hard to quickly discern at such small sizes in a tab bar.

Maybe invert red to blue?

Fwiw This is what the two icons currently look like on my phone (forum at top, website on bottom, with blue background)

And this is the loading page of the forum, with a black background.

I’m not sure that inverting the colours will make an easily discernable difference, especially on a small scale, as the sameness of the lotus shape tricks the eye. The black dot helps a bit though.

Maybe consider this drive before changing colours

Have fun!


Haha! Never! This is the hill im dying on @awarewolf - the only reason you will see me stop is because im dead or i have achieved nibanna :slight_smile:


Why would nibbana stop you? :slight_smile: :pray:


Don’t worry, @josephzizys has explained that when he says argue he means good faith and good willed debate conducted in a respectful and kind manner intended only for learning and testing ones dearly held assumptions and views so as to generate confidence and to discard wrongly held views. :pray:

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Has this already happened?
On my computer (safari/mac) the forum icon is black and white, and the SC icon is maroon outside, yellow fill, white centre.

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not on mine? that looks cool!! how did you do that? :slight_smile:

In the past I had suttacentral.net yellow/red, and D&D black & white and it was great. Since some time both suttacentral.net & D&D are yellow/red, exactly the same, and I too would love to have D&D again black & white. I agree it was much easier to find the right tab back then. :slight_smile: So I add my vote to please change it! :pray:

The black and white logo is used by Voice. So removing one confusion, one would add another one. If we change the D&D logo it would be good to choose a different color scheme, but not black and white.

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Thank you dear Sabbamitta :slight_smile: I didn’t know that.

Then perhaps let suttacentral.net keep original yellow/red, and the other two (D&D & Voice) perhaps black & white and another one brownish (also a buddhist color, bhikkhunis has such robes sometimes). I don’t if D&D make black and white or brownish, but either one would work. Just my proposition. :slight_smile:

A change of the Voice logo will likely not happen.

We have only one developer with limited capacities, and the things that are necessary for Voice to survive into the future are many. Anything that is not really required will just be postponed and probably never come about, I am afraid.