AN 4.199 Taṇhāsutta, Study Translation

To reiterate: On going from my first alternative literal translation attempt of MN 140, this is another attempt to provide more context in which to test my word choices so I can correct and hopefully learn from my mistakes. As these are my personal study works, and are works in progress, I ask that they not be taken as accurate unless proven otherwise. The link below should take you to my pdf version of this Sutta which I edit and update when needed.

AN 4.199 Taṇhāsutta, Alternative Literal Translation

kind regards Orgyen Yangzom (Ani)


Due to Google Drive cloud changes I need to update the link in my original post but can’t edit that, so am posting the new link here:

AN 4.199 Taṇhāsutta, Alternative Literal Translation

Metta Ani