Auto translation when hovering mouse

For what it’s worth, I don’t think the OP was being particularly rude here, though…

This^ could have been worded a lot better.

Dear @ORsEnTURVi ,

Unless you’re an experienced coder or designer (and even then!) it’s typically better to communicate your experiences and needs than to dictate specific features.

It sounds to me like your “user story” is that you’d like to be able to quickly read a word-by-word gloss of the Pāli, is that right? And so: having to click on each word one at a time is a bit slow for fluent reading, and hence your request. Am I inferring your use-case correctly?

I don’t have a laptop handy at the moment: does tabbing through the page work to focus each Pali word one at a time when Pali lookup is enabled?

That may solve this person’s need AND be an accessibility win: Accessibility (ideally) means not relying on a pointing device for hover OR for clicks, and tabbing word-by-word may be fast enough for fluent reading. Just a thought :grin::pray:

Isn’t that the definition of Accessibility: making reasonable accommodations for people with “specific needs”?:pray: