Bhante Sujato Pali Course 2023: Warder lesson 11

In one of the exercises:

See! Ananda – They are past, ended, changed
pass’ Ānanda te atītā niruddhā vipariṇatā

Please, what is the root verb for atītā + a third person sing. conjugation?
DPD says it is √i・1 a (come, go) + accayati.
In this case, I don’t recall we’ve seen this verb yet (at least, not through Lesson 17), except in the pp form it takes in the above exercise.

(It doesn’t show up in PTSD when I entered the search term.)

Thank you.

Thank you

For “atītā”: in Warder, lesson 11, the section of “adjective in a”, he introduced this adjective atīta among a list of adjectives. So, it seems to me in this exercise, it was not meant to interpret as coming from a verb (I have no idea whether the usage of a verb as in DPD can also work or not).

For “vipariṇatā”: in Warder, lesson 11, it’s a past participle, he introduced in the vocabulary section as vipariṇata

For “niruddhā”: in Warder, lesson 7, it’s a past participle, he introduced this past participle niruddha among a list of past participles


Ah, thank you, Clarity, for finding its identification in Lesson 11 as an adjective.

And, as it turns out, PTSD does list the adjective form atīta. Then PTSD states:
(cp. accaya 1)

So, not certain what the acronym cp means in the PTSD; @stephen ?
Still learning how to glean the nuggets from PTSD :grin:

Part of my rationale for this particular rabbit hole is learning to distinguish participles from adjectives. @johnk shared Andrew Olendzki’s translation strategy document the other day and I noted that recognizing adjectives came just about last, whereas recognizing participles came sooner.


I think you are referring to the PTS’s PED, not a syndrome?

If you go to the U Chicago’s tab “Front Matter” then “List of Abbreviations” you will find all explained there.

the answer to your question is “compare”.

In Pali, participles function as adjectives very often.


Exactly, Stephen. It’s extremely common that past participles are also used as adjectives, both in Pāli and in English.