Bhante Sujato Pali Course 2023: Warder lesson 5

Yes, pronouns need to match what they stand for in case, number, and gender.

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In John Kelly’s answer perhaps the emphasis comes from from using “tumhe kho?” Since you could (I think) say the same thing without emphasis by simply stating: attha brāhmaṇā Vāseṭṭhā

Can I also ask (anyone)… in the above sentence:
Vāseṭṭhā = masc. vocative plural
brāhmaṇā = masc. nominative plural?

Yes, kho is an emphatic, your cases are correct.

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I see my name brought up in this thread many times, so I thought I’d better jump in! :grinning:

Great questions, Luis, and thank you, Stephen, for answering them so well.

Pi has the sense of ‘also’ or ‘too’ and is not repeated in the same way ca is which is used to connect two or more nouns. But like ca, pi is used enclitically, meaning it is never at the start of a sentence or phrase and usually comes second - so aham pi manusso would be correct. As for my use of manussa instead of purisa in this example, manussa is more usually associated with human (as opposed to non-human), whereas purisa more generally means man (as opposed to woman), though it can also at times have the general sense of person or human.

I’m glad to see my solutions to the Warder exercise are being used, but I will issue the following caveat - I created these way back in about 2005 when I was still just a beginner in Pāli like most of you. I wouldn’t necessarily vouch for their accuracy!


You are welcome, John.
I have a fond memory of meeting you briefly at Bhante Bodhi’s monastery, Chuang Yen, where you gave me wonderful Pali study advice !

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Hi @johnk . Thank you for the clarification. I’m using the pdf with your answer keys to check my answers to the exercises.

Meiland (Page 43) says: Bhavant is another pronoun meaning ‘you’, but is used to express respect. It is important to note that bhavant is followed by verbs in the third person and NOT the
second person.


I have spent ages trying to sort out the pronouns in chapter 5. Finally I ran my summary past @johnk and here they are with his correction. I still have questions, but I think they are best left til we reach later chapters.


I was planning to do this, but life has been extra hectic the past week.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!

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