Brain chemistry & stillness

I was checking our friend @tommit’s website about jhanas (and the way he apparently teaches them in Mexico) and came across references to the following molecules to explain what he suggests are the reason behind the gradual experience of rapture and bliss into jhanas:

Has anyone ever heard of these things being linked to the experience of stillness?

P.S.: @tommit’s page is found here:


I give you the reference of a neurological study done to a bhikkhu from Sri Lanka who achieved jhanas after 17 years of practice. Talk about this.
The main difference is that it only dominates 5 neurotransmitters and my method releases up to 11, and it required 7000 hours and my method only 3.

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Actually I have not even started to teach it. I have only been doing clinical studies in different groups of people of different origin, nationality, age and sex.
I can tell you that it works independently of all of the above. The only exceptions are those who have practiced “wrong concentration”. These people need rehabilitation.

Very interesting indeed @tommit!

Could you explore further the charts we find at that page?

Something I always wanted to know is how people measure these chemicals? Do they extract blood from the brain or they reach a concentration high enough to be found at extracts taken from other parts of the body?

Also, tell us more about where and how your experiments take place? Are you part of any research team there in Mexico or you do your stuff independently?

I am not a “Buddhist”.
“Buddhism” does not serve to illuminate, and I am not interested in Asian folklore.
My path is paccekabuddhayana. My explorations I publish them in the blog:

And in most of the Buddhist groups of Facebook in Spanish.
I am not master of anything. I do not believe in teachers. My path is the same that led the Buddha and he recommended to Ananda and stated that they carried Sariputta and Moggallana.

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And it’s my way because it works for me.
Remember the Kalama sutta? Around here the whole world seems not to have read or understood. Of course they do not apply.

And it’s my way because it works for me.

All ascetics of Buddha time taught their way of practice works for them. Everybody of every religion believes their way of practice works for them, otherwise they would not be doing it.

Remember the Kalama sutta? Around here the whole world seems not to have read or understood.

Nobody seems to read or remember the MN 39, MN 107, MN 125

That is why monks exist in Buddhism. That is why Buddha did such efforts to convince people to become monks

@tommit, could you share with us the background to your instructions on the cultivation of gradual inhalations up until max lung capacity is reached (found in your website)?

If I understood what you wrote there in Spanish well, one should inhale up to a point, pause, inhale further, pause and inhale further again, until lungs are full. From that point, one should exhale, pause, inhale a bit, then exhale further, pause, inhale a bit, and keep exhaling until it is empty and then restart the whole process.

Is there any special reason for such breathing pattern to be recommended? Is this your interpretation of the long/heavy -> short/light breathing described in the MN118?

Hi @tommit,

when you say your method releases up to 11 neurotransmissors, how did you measure these?

Sorry for making so many questions, I am really curious about the science and methodology behind measuring these things. :slight_smile:

It does not work like that. The explanation I uploaded to that page, which is inactive, is not good because it leads to misunderstandings.
The idea is to concentrate on molding the air by perceiving its pressure, not its temperature, continuously until the effect occurs. Depending on the graph being shaped, a neurotransmitter is released. Eight can be generated directly in this way, and three as metabolizing products thereof.
The first jhana is achieved by properly combining 5 of them.
Besides, there is a wide field of exploration combining all …

Thanks for clarifying that @tommit .

Another question for you is what is your take on caffeine and nicotine?

Can the presence of these in one’s system affect the ability of having these compounds produced in one’s brain?

Did you invent this or do you have a reference that this works?

There is a neurotransmitter generated that produces the same effect as nicotine in large doses. Nicotine is a deadly poison and its use is unethical.
Caffeine fundamentally as guarana gives very interesting results in meditation since it improves attention and concentration and is non-toxic. It is the opposite of an intoxicant

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Yes, it is my invent

My method is 100% effective on anyone who has never meditated. And the effect is fast, and with few repetitions it is done immediately. And the equal amount. For example, an overdose of happiness produces seizures.
I have tested its effects on individuals from 12 countries and always the result is the same.
In each neurotransmitter, the individuals explain what they subjectively feel, which corresponds in each to what each one feels with those drugs or their substitutes or other times of life that induce these drugs.
For example. For dopamine it is very practical to ask someone who has experimented with cocaine because it is the same effect.
A compulsive buyer refers to the same sensation as with serorotina (happiness) … so.

Would you care to carry out clinical tests? I think there are enough people in the pharmaceutical industry to finance such resource (it would not very expensive).

The really stupid thing about this is that people who have never meditated, are not Buddhist and are not interested are those whose effectiveness is immediate. But when they achieve jhanas, the changes they experience frighten them and do not follow.
However, buddhists who are interested have often practiced meditations that fall into the category of “wrong concentration” and can not possibly have any meditative advancement. Such practices corrupt the mind. The Buddha has already warned of them, and calls his teachers “bad people”

But why do you call them jhanas ? Why not call them another name ? Jhana implies you are speaking about the same jhanas the historical Buddha was speaking in MN 39, MN 107, MN 125 - witch is not the case with your research.

There are so many names you can chose from or invent a better name than “jhana” for those states. Why not chose a name that does not imply they are the jhanas the historical Buddha spoke about ?

I suggest taking another sysnonim for “concentration” maybe from Latin language or other languages other than Pali. Pali is a dead language only used in buddhist texts.

Porque es efecto es el mismo que las primera jhana. Identico. Y los resultados que te causa en la mente son los mismos. Identicos. Y su capacidad dejar suprimidos la aversión, el apego, los pensamientos reactivos es el mismo. Y sus factores son los mismos , identicos. Y el modo que lo hago es el mismo que el mahasatipattana sutta, identico. Si todo es identico ¿por que no puedo llamarlo jhanas? ¿tienes tu el titulo de propiedad del nombre? Jhanas ha estado presente en toda la historia de la humanidad y es uno de los cuatro pilares de los buddhas solitarios.

El Buddha hablaba de lo que sabía, no de neurociencia, de gente que moldeaba graficos en su tiempo: el hábil tornero y su aprendiz que hacen giros largos y cortos.

Hoy día puedo hablar por mi mismo (no sé a que viene acudir a la autoridad de un sutta, que además no comprendes, cuando el mismo Kalama sutta lo rechaza, al menos se consecuente) y describir no solo esto sino muchisimas más cosas que el Buddha experimentó y que vienen veladas en los suttas. Porque los que los escribieron NO SABIAN MEDITAR. Como tú. Podrias dedicarte a reescribir suttas tu tambien. Y un abhidhamma de postre.

Que te aproveche…


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