Bring the happiness that most people only dream about: tell us our mistakes

:pray: Has been fixed for German, thanks!

iti103:3.2: te kho me, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā samaṇesu ceva samaṇasammatā brāhmaṇesu ca brāhmaṇasammatā, te ca panāyasmanto sāmaññatthañca brahmaññatthañca diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharantī”ti.
iti103:3.3: Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
iti103:3.4: Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:

Three segments have not been translated.

iti103:4.4: asesaṁ uparujjhati;
cease with nothing left over;
iti103:4.5: Tañca maggaṁ na jānanti,
And they don’t know the path

Either close first sentence with period or start new one with lowercase.

iti104:2.9: Evarūpā ca te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū satthārotipi vuccanti, satthavāhātipi vuccanti, raṇañjahātipi vuccanti, tamonudātipi vuccanti, ālokakarātipi vuccanti, obhāsakarātipi vuccanti, pajjotakarātipi vuccanti, ukkādhārātipi vuccanti, pabhaṅkarātipi vuccanti, ariyātipi vuccanti, cakkhumantotipi vuccantī”ti.
Such mendicants are called ‘teachers’, ‘leaders of the caravan’, ‘vice-discarders’, ‘dispellers of darkness’, ‘bringers of light’, ‘luminaries’, ‘lamps’, ‘candlebearers’, ‘beacons’, ‘noble ones’, and ‘seers’.

Add double closing quote.

iti104:2.7: Taṁ kissa hetu?

“Why is this?” should be added here.

iti110:2.2: Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṁ gameti.
They tolerate it and don’t give it up, get rid of it, eliminate it, and obliterate it. Such a mendicant is said to be ‘not keen or prudent, always lazy, and lacking energy’ when walking.
iti110:2.3: Carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṁbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṁ samitaṁ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati.

The two segments have been combined in English, although the Pali has them separate. The same further down for segments 5.2-3. In the parallel passage at AN 4.11, the segments are separate in both root and translation.

Still further down, when the positive side is discussed, the segments are separate in both languages in Iti 110 too.