Buddha đŸ± Beings

Someone quoted in the article says mice dislodged by rain get stressed and die quickly. My guess is that the mice plague is further out west, where there isn’t much rain. We’ve had bucketloads of rain here, and I’m used to seeing extra insects in wet weather (who wouldn’t blame them for coming inside?) but nothing out of the ordinary so far.


Ah, yes. I was thinking of the response to the “Will the flooding end the mouse plague?” question.


A notable quote from the article (First Precept):

Williams stressed the importance of spiders to the ecosystem. “They’re very, very good insect hunters, so if you got rid of all the spiders you would be plagued by insects. We should be worrying about saving the spiders as much as we’re worried about saving the koalas.”



Purr-fact. :relaxed:


My handsome boy.

strange that we have red eye - and the felines have green eye.

Must be a mirror into the soul!


An update on the ‘naughty fox’ story :smile:

A month ago, my dogs ball went missing

Yesterday, his new ball went missing. As we went hunting, I found another of his things in the paddock - the remnants of a bone he had for his dinner
 the naughty fox has been visiting :rofl: (we know the fox has been around as I can hear her at night, and see her poop).
As per the last time, with stealing sandals and gum boots as part of play - the fox is having fun with the dog
 what a treasure to make off with his balls and bones :rofl: :joy: I wonder if this is some new foxy game of Daredevil
 nicking the dogs stuff from under his nose



Fantastic Ms. Fox ( or is it a Mr.?)


Verus, my lovely Doberman (who each morning wants to go in my meditation room and say hello to the Buddha!)


Curious Cat Discovers She Has Ears While Striking Pose in Mirror :cat:


The sign at one of the veterinary clinics in the town where I live currently reads: “Cats have 32 muscles in their ears. The better to ignore us.”


Except when you open any random can


The moggie watching Tom & Jerry in the following clip is a really cool cat.


Nutmeg, the world’s oldest cat, turns 31 and is clearly not impressed with all the nonsense of samsara 


This is Joy. She’s a few years old now. When my siblings and parents were trying to pick a name they thought of Joy, it was around Christmas time and the Joy to the World song would frequently be playing on the radio. I had just learned that pīti shows up a lot in Buddhism, so I was happy to sign off on the name choice.


Is she a joyful mutt?

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It is interesting, he does look tired/old.

Obviously, it is not wrinkles as he has that full body cat suit.

His face has a tired expression, but cats aren’t supposed to be able to manipulate their faces all that much.

Maybe the skin under his fur, around his eyes are starting to sag.

Impressive age. 15 is supposed to be good for well taken care of domesticated cats. I guess he would be equivalent to a 200 year old person.


It reminds me of a passage in a sutta ( feel free to jump in with a citation ) where The Buddha is talking to Govinda and he says in a very interesting way “old age really sucks”.

Cats vs Dogs - an Intelligence Squared debate from December last year, with analytic philosopher John Gray representing cats and novelist Will Self dogs.

It’s the issue that’s more divisive than Brexit, more polarising than politics. The world is full of animal lovers but we can’t agree on which pet is more worthy of our love – the loyal, obedient dog, or the inscrutable, capricious cat.


It’s a really well-written blurb, but whatever happened to mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaáč disaáč pharitvā viharatha, tathā dutiyaáč, tathā tatiyaáč, tathā catutthaáč?

If I reflect back on having shared my life with EmmyDog and HarryCat at different periods, I would say that I loved them equally but in different ways. Which is the same that happened with my son and my daughter. And it felt as tho they all loved me back in four different ways.