Call for investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche

Firstly, these kind of incidents would be unlikely to happen if the Vinaya was followed, as there are strict rules in the Theravada Vinaya against even so much as sitting in private with a woman, much less lewd speech or touching. It is certainly not forbidden for lay people to pull up an ordained person if they feel that the line is being crossed. As Visakha said to Ven Udayi:

Venerable, it’s not appropriate that you should sit alone with a woman on a private and concealed seat suitable for doing it. Although you may not be aiming at that act, people with little confidence are hard to convince.

Secondly, the Vinaya is not a secret text- the entire thing is available here on SuttaCentral! If reading rules of law seems boring, perhaps these Vinaya doodles will serve as a quick introduction. Lay Buddhists should be familiar with the Vinaya rules so that they know when a monk/ nun is crossing the boundaries.
It is only the ritual recitation of the Vinaya and ritual confession/ confirmation of each of the monks/nuns that is performed behind closed doors, as that is an internal disciplinary proceeding of sorts.

Mil 5.4.2

It was said, O king, by the Blessed One that the Dhamma and Vinaya proclaimed by the Tathāgata shine forth when displayed, and not when kept secret. And on the other hand the recitation of the Pātimokkha and the whole of the Vinaya Piṭaka are kept close and secret. But this last is not the case as regards all men. They are only kept secret up to a certain limit. And the recitation of the Pātimokkha is kept secret up to that certain limit on three grounds—firstly because that is the traditional custom of previous Tathāgatas, secondly out of respect for the Truth (Dhamma), and thirdly out of respect for the position of a member of the Order.’

It is the duty of us all - both Lay and Ordained to familiarize ourselves with the rules and uphold the high standard of values promulgated by the Buddha.