Can someone help me to understand the Yamaka Sutta (SN 22:85)?

It sounds like what you are looking for in a religion or philosophy is essentially comfort. That’s fine, but I have come round to thinking that you are right, Buddhism, at least the kind that is talked about on this forum is probably not for you, if your criteria is that the religion comfort you as you currently are then I just don’t see what you might hope to get here.

As for “what’s wrong with believing in an eternal self” well, the EBT’s (what this forum is here to discuss) spend A LOT of time explaining what they think is wrong with that, honestly, have you looked into Vedanta? its pretty similar to Buddhism in a lot of ways, but it lets you keep your comforting belief in an eternal self, and not only that but your eternal self is God so it’s even better than Christianity! :slight_smile:

Good luck with your journey, as I have come to suspect that you might be being slightly… shall we say disingenuous ? with regards to your motivation for being here, I will not be responding further in this thread.
