Can you hear sound and feel body in jhāna?

I think the answer to this is ‘sometimes yes, sometimes no – depending on conditions’.

People like Ajahns Sumedho, Amaro, Brahm, Than. Geoff. - all of these people have made comments at one time or another that lead me to believe they are at least stream winners and probably well beyond that. And none of them teach the same as the other. I don’t think it is a case of not agreeing over how to interpret this or that phrase in a long dead language - but rather that they teach based on their own experience of what worked for them and as they gain experience, what has worked for their students.

Jhana is fabricated and we as the fabricators are a diverse bunch of beings with very different tendencies, skills, personalities, and life conditions. Why should any two of us fabricate exactly the same thing? And communicate what we have fabricated in exactly the same way?

Unfortunately, I think much of this debate derives from individual teachers trying to find within the suttas language to validate or support their particular experience (and teaching) – which if held too narrowly - invalidates the teachings of other equally qualified teachers.

Can we create a bigger jhana tent that accepts a variety of experience – something beyond our own personal experience and views? This is not an ‘anything goes’ request. I think there are many aspects of jhana – key aspects - on which the above mentioned ajahns as well as the suttas all agree.