Collection of Dhamma teachers (usage as MP3 audio covers)

@dxcore35 thanks for sharing your photo covers here! Looking at them all together is very harmonious but also reminds me of how easy it is to omit great women teachers from our lives. I know it’s your personal collection but I would encourage you to listen to women Dhamma practitioners too! A teacher from BSWA, for example, is Ayya Vyama, who was mentioned in this forum just recently here and there other wonderful women teachers like Ayya Tathaloka, who has lots of great talks on YouTube such as this one. Or Ayya Anandabodi talking about the 6 annuasatis or Ayya Suddhamma who tells lots of stories or Ayya Soma, a young nun who gives lots of great talks with Buddhist Insights. I could mention many others but hope you’ll discover more on your own journey.

These teachers might not be mega stars or famous world wide but certainly deserve our attention. I have learnt a lot from them about the Dhamma. :full_moon_with_face: