Dharma Pearls Updates

I’ve put myself on the waitlist for Github Sponsors. As for the Patreon link on the About page: That’s a good point. Presently, most of the traffic comes from Patreon or here at SuttaCentral, so the issue seems more a matter of not reaching a wider audience than a lack of awareness of how to donate.

Thanks for both the tips, though.

Edit: My Github Sponsors profile is live!


Charles, one simple change that might help you reach a wider audience is getting a simplified, unique URL relevant to your content and what people might be using to find information like that contained on your website (SEO). For example, suttacentral’s url is suttacentral, which helps it rank well for searches that contain the word sutta and probably even sutra in them.

If interested, you could use google’s keyword tool to find out what keywords people are using related to the topics your writing about and consider using one or more of them in your URL. Hope this helps.


Actually, I have dharmapearls.net pointing at my Wordpress blog, which I should probably resurrect and tie into the Github Pages site in some fashion. I see that the Pages site can have a custom domain pointed at it, but Github doesn’t provide the DNS service. I think the smart thing is to leverage the blog more, especially now that I have more material published to write about.


Hi Charles,
Thank you for your great work.
Unfortuantely, the first link on the dharmapearls.net page (to 51 groups) is broken. Perhaps you could have a link to the github site at the top - that would be less confusing.


@cdpatton There is a typo in the first sentence of The Medium Discourses | Contents



Fixed. The evil of cut & pasting boilerplate text is that the typos are replicated. I killed this typo in the Samyukta’s intro a while back, and it was hiding here too.

Fixed. Originally I had inexplicably named the indexes “contents.html,” so when I sensibly changed it to “index.html” that link was broken. Thanks for letting me know about it.


@cdpatton Only half fixed. You replaced the missing s in discourses but it’s still written discources. :blush:


Some words don’t want to be spelled right, I guess. :roll_eyes: :grin:


Today, I released the initial translation of MĀ 81 Mindfulness of Body, an important sutra that focuses on the practices of mindfulness of body.

Like it’s Pali counterpart (MN 119), the practices detailed in this sutra are identical to those listed under the mindfulness of body in the Abodes of Mindfulness Sutra (MĀ 98). MĀ 81 and 98 both detail 18 practices, four of which are not found in the Pali version of the Abodes of Mindfulness Sutra (MN 10). It also lists out 18 benefits that the practice brings.

Going forwards, I’ll be releasing MĀ 82-86 and 186 in addition to the commission work that I’ll begin. I’ll have more details on the new translations we have planned for June and July next week.


Greeting Charles ,

Do you mind explain how the chinese agama of 正趣(漏盡)get translated as rightly destined ?
I understand 漏盡 is ending of asava .
I hope you dont mind i am bringing it out .


At that time, the Bhagavān addressed the monks: “If a monk accomplishes seven things, then he will attain the happiness of the noble ones, and he will be rightly destined for the end of the contaminants.


usually means either a destiny or destination (in Buddhist texts usually meaning karmic destiny) or to hasten quickly somewhere. I chose the first reading (though I did turn it into a verb–so really I kind of mixed the two readings). The second reading would change the meaning a bit, but not that significantly. Either way, your headed for the end of the contaminants (asavas).

Edit: Actually, now that I compare the version of MA 1 on SuttaCentral and the more recently edited version on my website, I did change the translation to “headed for” rather than “destined”. :man_shrugging:

What are you thinking it means? 趣 does have a couple other readings that you find in classical Chinese in other contexts, like “bias” and “gist.”

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Hi Charles ,

趣 here refers to practice , it can means realm also .
Actually ,
「正趣」synonymous with「等向」which means 朝向正確目標而(修)行 or practicing rightly directed towards (ending the asava漏盡) .

Please refer to annotation no.13



It does, but it doesn’t actually mean practice. You’re headed for the end of the contaminants because you’re practicing correctly. That is pretty clear looking at the other occurrences of 正趣 in the Madhyama and Samyukta. I attempted to find parallel with the Pali to see if I could identify what the Indic word might have been, but no luck.

Anyway, I think you’re objection is just that I’m being fairly literal. I personally am not an interpretive translator. I like to preserve the actual metaphors and idioms in the original when the reader should be able to work it out for themselves.

Thanks for the input, though! Would you happen to know who’s annotations those are at buddhaspace.org?


It seems (dictionary) was compiled by 莊春江



Thanks. This definitely looks like a good resource when I need to find other opinions about difficult passages. I don’t always agree with them, but it’s tough to form an opinion when you have no evidence of how others read odd expressions. The lack of commentaries makes the Agamas tough to work with sometimes.


Glad it might contribute to your works . I always revise and amend my understanding with so many resources conveniently nowadays .


June has been a month of editing, editing, and more editing. While the new translation work will be focusing on a new sponsor’s requests, I will continue to edit and translate from the MĀ for my patrons at Patreon. This month, I cleaned up the draft of MĀ 9 that has been sitting for a few months, MĀ 10 and 186 that were 16 years old (yikes!), and MĀ 82, which was drafted last month.

Below are quick summaries of the sutra released today. You can quickly reach them from the “What’s New” page.

MĀ 9: Seven Chariots (MN 24)

This sutra relates when Sariputra met Purna Maitrayaniputra for the the first time. When he gets a chance to talk to Purna, he asks him why he practices the Buddha’s teaching. He asks whether it’s one of seven reasons, all of which Purna denies. Purna explains that it’s really all of those reasons because they lead to Nirvana. He illustrates this with the parable of seven chariots, which King Prasenajit uses to travel between two cities in a single day.

MĀ 10: Ending the Contaminants (MN 2)

The Buddha gives a discourse on seven strategies that a renunciant uses to end the contaminants. By identifying the sources of affliction and grief, they systematically eliminate them in one of these seven ways.

MĀ 82: Crickets (AN 6.60)

This sutra is named after one of the analogies used about being able to hear the chirping of crickets in a quiet place. A monk named Citra Hastisariputra causes trouble at a meeting of monks by interrupting the senior monks and wrangling over what they were saying. Mahakausthila rebukes Citra and tells him to wait his turn to speak and do so respectfully. When Citra’s friends attempt to intervene with Mahakausthila, he gives them a discourse on how monks who achieve great peace of mind can revert to the lay life because they socialize with the laity. Citra indeed decides to return to the lay life at the end of the sutra.

MĀ 186: Inquiry (MN 47)

The Buddha discusses how a disciple who isn’t yet able to know other’s minds can determine for himself whether the Tathagata’s enlightenment is genuine. He details a program of careful observation and questioning to discover any hidden defilements that’s akin to a detective’s investigation. In this way, unenlightened disciples can develop the faith needed to practice the Dharma fully.


These are such a pleasure to read :heart_eyes: Literally the words make my eyes happy on the way in to the mind :smile: :rofl: :slightly_smiling_face:

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!


Hi, everyone. This month I’ve added 26 new translations to Dharma Pearls, which includes 4 new Madhyama sutras and 22 Samyukta sutras. You can quickly see the list of additions at the What’s New page, but briefly these translations focus on parallels to a handful of important Pali texts.

  • DN 2: The main Agama parallels for the Sāmaññaphala Sutta will be coming next month. These SA sutras replicate the descriptions of the different heretical wrong views found in DN 2.
  • MN 10: MA 98 is the direct parallel to the Pali Satipaṭṭhāna sutta.
  • MN 118: SA 803 and 810 are close parallels to parts of the Pali Ānāpānassati sutta.
  • MN 141: MA 31 is a direct parallel to the Pali Saccavibhaṅga sutta.
  • AN 3.65: MA 16 is a direct parallel to to the Kalama sutta.
  • SN 45.8: SA 770, 784, 785 are parallels detailing the Eightfold Path.
  • SN 46.3: SA 723, 724, 733, 736, 737, 740 are partial parallels for the Sīla sutta.
  • SN 56.11: SA 379 is the Samyukta version of the Dhammacakkappavattana sutta.

In addition to these parallels, I’ve also edited and released my 2004 translation of MA 11 The Rock Salt Parable Sutra, a sutra on karma that makes it clear that the severity of bad results depends on the whole context of a person and not just the act committed.


Is this a parallel to AN 3.100, A lump of salt?

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