Discussion for Bilara users

Okay, I need a new post again. This job is longer than D&D allows. :smile:

  • swift pair of messengers: SN 35.204 β†’ SN35.245 on SC
  • sword drawn from its scabbard: DN 11, 12 β†’ DN 10 on SC
  • tall building in central square: DN 11, 12 β†’ DN 10 on SC; MN 39 is mentioned in the list, but has a different simile for the same point on SC, both in translation and in root, so I remove it
  • tendon in fire: SN 7.46 β†’ SN 7.49 on SC
  • tortoise evading a jackal: SN 35.199 β†’ SN 35.240 on SC
  • travel, from village to village: DN 11, 12 β†’ DN 10 on SC
  • travel, in desolate country: DN 11, 12 β†’ DN 10 on SC
  • treasure, doorways leading to: AN 11.17 β†’ AN 11.16 on SC
  • tree, gold: Thig 14 β†’ Thig 14.1 on SC
  • turban or head on fire, person with: wrong link format, href='/an06.20' β†’ href='/an6.20'
  • uprighting what had been overturned: The following Suttas don’t have the simile on SC (due to abbreviation) and should be removed from the list: MN 57, MN 58, MN 72, SN 7.2, SN 7.6, SN 7.14, SN 7.17, SN 12.48, SN 42.3, SN 42.6, SN 42.8, SN 42.9, AN 3.65, AN 4.111, AN 4.184, AN 10.176, AN 10.177 (so it seems AtI has expanded the root text in a lot of cases, or has a different root text)
  • village, empty: SN 35.197 β†’ SN 35.238 on SC
  • vipers: SN 35.197 β†’ SN 35.238 on SC
  • water, drops in a hot pan: SN 35.203 β†’ SN 35.244 on SC
  • wounded man wandering in jungle: SN 35.206 β†’ SN 35.247 on SC
  • wounds, dressing: AN 11.18 β†’ AN 11.17 on SC
  • yokes, sense bases and their objects: SN 35.191 β†’ SN 35.232 on SC