Discussion for Bilara users

Just so y’all know, the site translation files are in some need of revision, I want to update them but haven’t had the time. This won’t apply to all of them, or to all of the content within them, but I’ll just note some here that should should be safe to translate, i.e. I have no current plans to revise them.

  • abbreviations
  • abhidhamma
  • guides to the 4 nikayas
  • discourses
  • donations
  • introduction
  • languages
  • licensing
  • methodology
  • start
  • vinaya
  • similes
  • subjects
  • terminology

UNSAFE pages, which probably need revision, include:

  • numbering
  • about
  • acknowledgements
  • home
  • interface
  • index of names

None of these are fixed, but this should help.