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Index of names

Under Asibandhakaputta we find (line 198 in Bilara):

goes for refuge: a: <a class='ref' href='/sn42.9'>SN 42.9</a>, b: <a class='ref' href='/sn42.9'>SN 42.9</a>

I can’t see the difference between options a) and b).

Under Dīghanakha Aggivessana (line 537 in Bilara):

goes for refuge: <a class='ref' href='/mn074'>MN 074</a>

This link will not work.

Under Gaṇaka Moggallāna there are two links to MN 107, one for SC and one for access to insight (in line 580 in Bilara: <a href=''>goes for refuge</a>).

It’s a bit unclear what is meant with Jīvaka (line 763 in Bilara). It says “monk” and gives a reference to “Thig 14”.

So, well, Thig is about nuns, not monks, and there’s only one in chapter numbered 14: Subhā of Jīvaka’s mango grove.

The Thag have 2 poems in the chapter of 14, one with Revata, the other with Godadatta. That also seems not to be what is meant.

Line 799 in Bilara “Kali”: diacritics are missing.

Line 866: link is wrong, <a class='ref' href='/snp1.04'>Snp 1.04</a>.

Line 940: another wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/thig10'>Thig 10</a>. Also, the name Kisa Gotamī should have a long a, Kisā.

Line 1016: another wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/dn.12.0'>DN 12.0</a>.

Line 1042: another one: <a class='ref' href='/mn75'>MN 75</a>.

Line 1109: link to sccess to insight: <a href=''>Kinsman of the heedless</a>.

Line 1127: Medakathālika is missing a long a at the end.

Line 1271: Not sure who this is supposed to be: Nṭta.

Line 1303: wrong links for DN 2: DN 2 (1): <a class='ref' href='/dn.02.0'>DN 2.0</a>, DN 2 (2): <a class='ref' href='/dn.02.0'>DN 2.0</a>.

Line 1312: wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/thag21'>Thag 21</a>.

Line 1467: wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/mn030'>MN 30</a>.

Line 1521: wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/thig12'>Thig 12</a>.

Line 1619: wrong link for Thag 21.1: <a class='ref' href='/thag21'>Thag 21</a>.

Line 1620: wrong link for DN 21: <a class='ref' href='/dn.21'>DN 21</a>.

Line 1675: wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/thag11'>Thag 11</a>.

Line 1690: wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/kd1.23.1'>Kd 1.23.1–10</a>.

Line 1709: wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/mv.01.23.01-10'>mv.01.23.01-10</a>.

Line 1834: wrong linnk: <a class='ref' href='/thig14'>Thig 14</a>.

Line 2003: wrong link: <a class='ref' href='/thag19'>Thag 19</a>; the same in line 2004.

When starting this post I never expected that it would become that much. Well …

I have certainly not checked each and every link. There may be more mistakes. It looks like this page could do with a thourough revision and should perhaps be added to the list of unsafe pages for Bilara translation.