Display strategies for new data tables

I also thought about using symbols instead of words, but we have many different ones and without a legend it will not be clear what is what.

We now have:

  • parallel
  • partially parallel
  • is mentioned in
  • mentions
  • is retold in
  • retells

And when we split up “partially parallel” into “resembling parallels” and “sectional parallels”, you get even more choices to add. And you also mentioned you want to distinguish between “full parallels”, “whole parallels” and “ranging parallels”. Without a legend it will be difficult.

I also had the idea of adding the title below the uid for mobile devices but sometimes titles are very long and adding an extra line to each one might become a very long table in some cases. But in principle I agree.

And this is where I really don’t agree. First of all, this is only external for the sake of the mockup. You can make it internal and we will do that anyway when we start using Polymer. Why not use the possibilities it has.
Moreover, the need is still there. This mockup might look good when you resize your window. It will work on tablets and desktops but not on phones.
On a real phone, with thousands of different pages with all different column sizes due to different length uid and titles, it will become unresponsive. You need the scroll bar at the bottom in case things are too big for the small screen, or people will have to start zooming in.