DN 31 Ajahn Sujato Translator


I very much appreciate Ajahn Sujato’s translation of DN 31, especially being a layperson. However, I believe there is one piece missing from the section on parents/children:

Sujato: Parents served by the children in these five ways show compassion to them in five ways. They keep them from doing bad (1) They support them in doing good (2). They train them in a profession (3). They transfer the inheritance in due time (4). Parents served by their children in these five ways show compassion to them in these five ways. And that’s how the eastern quarter is covered, kept safe and free of peril.

Just missing the piece about marriage, such as:

Thera: (i) they restrain them from evil,
(ii) they encourage them to do good,
(iii) they train them for a profession,
(iv) they arrange a suitable marriage,
(v) at the proper time they hand over their inheritance to them.



let’s tag ven. @sujato