EBTs on sensuality

Ven. Dhammadinnā offers this pithy explanation:

MN44:15.4: Perception and feeling are mental. They’re tied up with the mind, that’s why perception and feeling are mental processes.”

And since these are grasping aggregates, they are circular. So one could even grasp at being insatiably curious:

MN44:24.4: Neutral feeling is pleasant when there is knowledge, and painful when there is ignorance.”


Great comment, so true.

A simple thought when followed with attention, can stimulate the mesocorticolimbic dopamine reward pathway. If thoughts are dwelled upon, it begins a process in the ventral tegmental area of the brain and causes a release of dopamine and endorphins (the body’s natural opioid). These underly the sensations of pleasure and euphoria and directly activate the globus pallidus which encodes the behaviors as habits.

The Buddha put it well in MN 19:

“Whatever a mendicant frequently thinks about and considers becomes their heart’s inclination. If they often think about and consider sensual thoughts, they’ve given up the thought of renunciation to cultivate sensual thought. Their mind inclines to sensual thoughts. If they often think about and consider malicious thoughts … their mind inclines to malicious thoughts. If they often think about and consider cruel thoughts … their mind inclines to cruel thoughts.”

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