Editions PDF Links Not Working

Hey there D&D! I realised that DN, AN, SN, Ud, Iti, Thera/Theri all have broken links that send to a 404 on github, thought I’d give a heads up !

Can you share some examples of the exact links that are not working? I tried the PDF of DN and MN and they worked fine for me, meaning I click on
and it downloads just fine.

The more information you can share the easier it will be to troubleshoot.

(By the way, adding a sujato tag to the post won’t notify him. We do that by putting an @ in front of their user name in the body of the post. And in any case for this matter it will need to be brought to the developer’s attention first, but I’ll wait to @ him until we narrow down what’s happening.)

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Happens with DN. The linked URL for the PDF version is https://github.com/suttacentral/editions/raw/main/en/sujato/dn/paperback/Long-Discourses-sujato-2024-05-06.zip

Trying to download the PDF’s: MN, SNP, DHP and Ajahn Brahmali’s Vinaya books are working . SN, AN, Udana, Itivuttaka, Theragatha, Therigatha don’t work.

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Hmm. These links work for me:

That’s not the link I have for the DN. This is:

Notice how yours is 2024-05-06 and mine is 2024-05-13.

Can you try to do a ctrl shift r on the publication page and see if that gives you the correct link?

Can you check the list of links I gave above and see if they work for you?

@HongDa, is this a caching problem? Is there any way we could disable caching on these publication pages since they seem to break frequently? It seems like any caching benefits are outweighed by all the errors that happen.

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The AN you linked just goes to SC downloads pages friend. But changing the URL to 2024-05-13 works great!


Edit: Doing CTRL Shift R has helped with the SC links!

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Oopse. Careless cutting and pasting.

So are you able to get the links on the website working? Maybe by doing a ctrl shift R?

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Yup, doing CtrlShiftR has fixed the links on the:


They now read 2024-05-13. :slight_smile:

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Great. So @HongDa it looks like a caching problem again


Thanks @Dogen @sam-sg @Snowbird :pray:

Since the publication is updated every week, the links may also change every week. Indeed caching will cause problems. I will see if there is another way to avoid this problem.

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As a user, I have to say that I appreciate the creation date in the file name. But I don’t know if it outweighs the problem that arises from caching.

Thanks for looking into all these things.


I added a GitHub action to remove the date information in the file name and modified the front-end publication download link.


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We’ve had some more discussion, I don’t think removing the date from the file names is a good solution, indeed one of the purposes of having them is to ensure there are no outdated files. Perhaps a better solution is simply to turn off caching for this, it seems to create more problems than it solves. Anyway, Hongda is looking into it.


Thanks. I fully agree.

[Admins, pls move this to a separate topic if necessary]

I see Bhante Sujato’s point on the date-stamps in file names. However, since there are periodic updates to the sutta books published as PDFs or ePubs, do you have any plans to publish a changelog? Asking because I markup and annotate the PDFs for my reference, and it would be useful to know if the changes in your latest release relate to any passages I frequently refer to, which need a refresh. Thanks.

I can’t give an official answer, but if you are talking about all the changes made to translations then the answer is probably no. In theory you can find the history of a translation on GitHub. But making a list manually would be far too much work.

For your own workflow you might be able to make use of PDF comparison tools, assuming you had an original clean version of what you are annotating. But PDFs, like print editions, are always going to be out of date quickly on a text that is still dynamic like these.

I’d make a wild guess and say that after Bhante finishes (or finishes the main round) adding notes to the texts then the major changes will reduce quite a bit.

Yes, just to confirm, we rely on Git to record changes. If you want to automate a changelog you can pull them from Github.

Right, so keeping up to date will be tricky. FWIW, my changes are generally pretty minor these days, mostly fixing some details of wording and so on.

Yes, it seems likely. I’m typically making maybe one or two substantial changes in a Sutta, if that.

Yesterday, for example, I looked into the Pali phrase in MN 119:

so yassa yassa abhiññāsacchikaraṇīyassa dhammassa cittaṁ abhininnāmeti abhiññāsacchikiriyāya, tatra tatreva sakkhibhabbataṁ pāpuṇāti sati satiāyatane

It’s a tricky one! Formerly I had:

they become capable of realizing anything that can be realized by insight to which they extend the mind, in each and every case.

And I changed it to:

they extend the mind to realize by insight each and every thing that can be realized by insight; and they are capable of realizing those things, since each and every one is within range.

With the following note:

The phrase sati sati āyatane is tricky. Syntactically, it is a locative absolute construction, which Bodhi treats as conditional: “there being a suitable basis”. However this does not readily account for the repeated sati, which he takes as the locative present participle from the verb atthi (“being”). Ānandajoti, by contrast, takes the first sati as “being” and the second as “mindfulness”, and treats the absolute construction as temporal: “while there is a basis for mindfulness”. Further, both accept the commentary’s gloss of āyatana as kāraṇa (“reason, basis”), although this sense of āyatana is rare in the Suttas (but see sn12.25:14.3 = an4.171:5.3). These readings of the absolute construction give it a limiting sense; the benefits apply only insofar as there is a “suitable basis” or a “basis for mindfulness”. But the expression is used by the Buddha of himself (an5.68:1.9), so it seems odd that it would be limiting. Indeed, the tenor of the whole sentence is not limiting but expansive, as emphasized by the repeated reduplications: yassa yassa … tatra tatreva … sati sati, which have a distributive sense. I therefore take sati as “being” in both cases; the reduplication of sati as aligned with the previous pronouns, emphasizing universality; the locative absolute as causal; and āyatana in its normal sense of “scope, range”.


A few seem to have been forgotten, see here.