First DNA study from the Indus Valley Civilization

“The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilisation in the northwestern regions of South Asia, lasting from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE, and in its mature form from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE.”—-Wikipedia

If ‘ages’ are taken to be 2000 years long (as in astrology), then an interesting fact emerges. The mature forms of the three recent ages, 4000-2000 and 2000-0 BCE and 1-2000 CE are all at about the 1500 year mark or 3/4 of the way through the age. This is probably connected to the golden mean, a perfect proportion which may have led to the Buddhist ‘middle way.’ For example the time of the Buddha coincides with the Greek golden age, about 500 BCE. Looking to the future, that means all the current world problems, such as the incompatibility of large populations with the natural world resulting in virus pandemics, and the rise of Buddhism, will be resolved about 3500 CE when everything will come into harmony.

The characteristics of the IVC age which was ruled by the element earth, meant that during that period all societies spontaneously developed organized agriculture, and also civic infrastructure. This imprint of an IVC seal shows the veneration of the bull (Taurus an earth sign) through the horned figure in meditation position. The cow remains sacred in India today, a heritage of the astrological age of Taurus 4000-2000 BCE, which encompassed the peak of the IVC. Incidentally the Buddha appeared towards the final stage of the age of Aries a fire sign (2000-O BCE), which accounts for the previous devotion and sacrificial rites to Agni the fire god, against which the Buddha’s teaching was disposed as the age declined.

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