📕 Footprints in the Dust by Bhante S Dhammika

Bhante Shravasti Dhammika has just released his new biography of the Buddha:

Based on the Pāḷi Canon and telling a more human story of the Buddha and his time than you may be used to, the book draws on Bhante’s extensive knowledge of the Pali Canon and ancient India to paint a compelling picture of the Buddha’s life.

The book was also edited by an anonymous SuttaCentral member, so: anumodana to you and to Bhante for the new book!


Too bad it’s not available as a true ebook. Looks interesting!


Actually, it is. You can download a PDF version on the page that the link connects to. Very cool.


A glance look, the book is remarkable work, but Bhante Dhammika uses Pali PTS numbering for the sutta numbering (eg. D. I, 178; M. I, 2; S. V, 398) which we must put a little effort to find the sutta reference in Suttacentral.


I don’t mean to be pedantic, but when I said a true ebook, I meant something like an epub or kindle format. PDFs aren’t designed to be read on smaller devices (which are for some more useful). See this thread:

For anyone who doesn’t know, here is a handy converter:


I prefer epub, also.

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Venerable Dhammika just sent me this updated file. This is the latest version, so maybe @Khemarato.bhikkhu you’d like to replace the file in the OP?

LOB-15.10.2022-2.pdf (2.2 MB)

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The OP link is to Ven Dhammika’s website, which already has the updated PDF :blush::pray:

Mr. Fancy Pants, PDFs are good not enough for ya. LOL :slight_smile:

Of course if something requires fancy formatting, then a PDF is great. But if you want to read a book on a handheld device (like an e-ink reader) then PDFs are mostly useless.


Bhante S Dhammika comes back to Australia from Singapore. Does he live in a Buddhist temple, or a personal home? I read his book on pilgrimage many years ago. The book gave me some ideas and information for visiting the footprints of the Buddha.

He’s semi-retired and living up in Cairns.

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Is this the same Venerable Dhammika who wrote the book “The Broken Buddha” ?

If you’d like, I’m sure you could email him and ask for the .docx file to convert to a “true ebook” format


Yes it is.

@moderators, Is it really necessary to have this 20 character minimum? I’m not sure why I have to type something long just to answer a yes/no question. I can see people replying with just an emoji, but is that really an issue? Any way, now there are more than 20 characters for sure. :wink:


I’ve had that same annoyance too – I’ve been ardent, alert, and mindful to make it unarise and to keep it from arising. :slight_smile:

Dear @Snowbird,

I believe that this originates from the following guidelines:

Improve the discussion
Please help to make this a joyful place for discussion by improving the discussion in any way, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, reflect over what you want to say and how you want to say it. You can always contribute later.

And also from the guidelines

Make the effort to put things in the right place, so that we can spend more time discussing and less cleaning up. So: […]
Don’t post no-content replies.

In this case, I guess that a management decision would be needed to modify the guidelines and hence the limit.

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It’s a Discourse default. The purpose is to encourage communication via paragraphs.

Considering one can always add padding if they really want, it’s not such an onerous requirement. It has (for better or worse) prevented a few of my own, more glib replies. Of course, the extra text also sometimes derails the thread, such as here.


The hometown (Kapilavastu) of the Buddha was either in Tilaurakot in Nepal or Piprahwa in Uttar Pradesh, India. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapilavas … ient_city)

Bhante S Dhammika in Footprints in the Dust (2021: p. 47), and his guide book, Middle Land, Middle Way - A Pilgrims’ Guide to the Buddha’s India, supports the Indian site was the exact location of the hometown of the Buddha, which I disagree. He does not mention or discuss the archaeological findings in the Nepalese site.

I visited the two sites many years ago. I think it may be better to consider both sites were all the areas of the ancient city, Kapilavastu, but the Nepalese site was the main palace.

What do you think?