Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

(By the way, the word “Discourse” is actually the name of the software platform that we are using for this forum. It also happens to be the same word that we usually use to translate “sutta” into English. This might be just a coincidence, but we’ve been very impressed with how the developers of Discourse want to create what they call Civilized Discourse, which is pretty much what the Buddha called Right Speech.)

Q How do I use this forum?

A There are some helpful guides here. Otherwise, just ask.

That was posted by Venerable Sujato in 2014, and the advice remains current.

Bhante ran this Forum for seven years with patience and persistence and continues to work tirelessly on Sutta Central, which is the raison d’etre for the Forum. SuttaCentral realises Bhante’s vision of bringing together texts that represent “Early Buddhism” in Pali, Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit and other ancient languages, with translations into many modern languages. Everything is freely available.

Many sadhus to Bhante for his vision, dedication, continuous hard work, and – above all – for inspiring so many people to read and study the Suttas.

The posts that follow are a current guide to using the Forum:

To revisit this thread find FAQ under the hamburger menu.