Interface Translation Wiki

The following are explanations of text segments of the SuttaCentral website interface for people who are translating it into other languages. The complete English interface file can be found here. If you would like to translate the interface into your language, please see this thread.


If you look at the first part of the keys, you will see that some are related to complete pages. For example:


These are all on the donate now page. This is different from the main Donation page


This is the page for saving the site for use offline

Major Areas

Some of the text is on specific parts of pages.


This is an example of the suttaplex area:


Most of the dictionary items can be found in two places. One is in the views setting when viewing a sutta. You have to scroll left and right to see everything:

There is also dictionary text on a dictionary result page, e.g. sīla

Individual items:

badge:aligned, badge:annotated, badge:legacy

These three items are used to describe translations.

“Aligned” means that the translations can be viewed side by side with the root text (e.g. Pali).

“Legacy” means that the translations cannot be viewed with the root text. Many of these translations are older, therefore the word “legacy.” However they aren’t necessarily old.

“Annotated” means that there are footnotes/end notes.

dictionary:adjacentTerms—Adjacent Terms

This is the heading in dictionary results that lists words that come before or after the the word searched for. For example if someone searched for “samādhi” the adjacent terms might be “samādisati, samādhāna, samādhika, samādhiyati”

dictionary:changePaliScriptDescription—This enables you to read the Pali text in various scripts.

“Various scripts” refers to the alphabets used to display the Pali. For example the Pali can be displayed using Roman letters (the default) or using Thai, Sinhala or Burmese alphabets.

dictionary:lineByLine—Line by line

This is the option to display the suttas with one line in English, one line in Pali, one line in English, one line in Pali, etc. This is an example of text displayed “line by line”:


This is the option to display only the translation without showing any Pali (compared to “Line by line”


“Refrences” are the paragraph or page numbers that are in original Pali manuscripts. They allow someone to “refer” to a specific place in the Pali text. There are many different numbering systems and this text is the heading for chosing which ones to display.

dictionary:textViewEnabled—{textView}-view is now enabled on applicable texts.

This is a popup message that displays when switching between “Plain”, “Side by side” and “Line by line” The {textView} part will be replaced with the language the user has chosen.


dictionary:viewTextualInfo—View textual information

(not sure what this is)


This is the copyright. (Perhaps “licensing” is used because some of the texts are free from copyright.)

footer:readingfaithfully—Reading Faithfully—Devotional and contemplative sutta reading for the faithful disciple

“ReadingFaithfully” is the name of a website and should not be translated.

footer:sourceCode—Source code on Github

“Github” is a name and should not be translated.

interface:ab—Systematic Treatises

This is just the English translation for the Pali word “Abhidhamma.”

interface:anEssayTitle—The Numbered Discourses: things that are useful every day

This referrs to the Anguttara Nikaya


This referrs to the Anguttara Nikaya

suttaplex:blurb Blurb

The “blurb” for a sutta is like a one line summary.

text:viewImage—View page image

(not sure what this is)

autocomplete:filterSearch—Filter search to early Buddhist suttas

This is on the search interface in the instant search. It adds the filter in:ebs to limit the search results to only early Buddhist suttas.

dictionary:showHighlightingTitle—Show Highlighting

This is found in the “view” settings when looking at a sutta. It is the only option under “Highlight text-critical details”



and “interface:viewComfyButtonText”: “spacing”

This is seen on a sutta chapter listing page, e.g. Mƫlapariyāyavagga

It has two states but the icon label is always the same. Try the button on the page above to see the effect.

publication:title—Publication details

This is the title of the publication details section. You can find it by viewing any sutta and clicking on the “info” icon.

search:inAllLanguage—in all languages

This is a sentence fragment that explains a search result page when the search is for all languages (e.g. not restricted to English only)

bottomsheet etc

All of the bottomsheet items are part of the Pali word lookup:


I wonder if Ven. @sabbamitta or @noeismet knows what

  • dictionary:viewTextualInfo View textual information
  • text:viewImage View page image


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Sorry, I can’t help. I’ve been searching around without success (but have seen a few more things I had already forgotten 
) :smiley:

Maybe these are things that aren’t active any more.

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Could be. I’m collecting obsolete text here: Remove obsolete items from the i18n file and correct errors · Issue #2732 · suttacentral/suttacentral · GitHub


@sabbamitta , do you know what




 I thought I know it, but the item seems to have been renamed?

I thought it’s what you now see as “adjacent terms”—which however I don’t see anywhere in the “interface” file. The website does show a German translation though which is different from what is found under dictionary:relatedItems in the interface file. So “adjacent terms/benachbarte Begriffe” must be somewhere in some of the i18n files 

I can’t find it anywhere. So it seems we have the strange situation that in the interface file we have (for German) the pair “related items/verwandte Begriffe”, while on the website we have the pair “adjacent items/benachbarte Begriffe”.

@HongDa ?


I expected to find it at the bottom of the dictionary page too.

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It’s there! So I think you are right, there has been a change, which means I don’t need to worry about it. Right? Thanks, Venerables!

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  • dictionary:viewTextualInfo View textual information
  • dictionary:relatedItems

I searched the code and these two items are no longer used at the moment.

  • text:viewImage View page image

This is still in use and is about the title of the image in the legacy text.


Dear Ayya, thanks so much for your support! Are you able to help me some more? Here is another one I am unsure of:

Pali dictionary results for

First of all, what is the relationship between these two? Is it that the latter is specific and changeable, whereas the former is a stable and underlying label?

Second, has the second one of these now been changed to:

SuttaCentral — Dictionary results

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The first bit (usually with a colon) is the key. That is like the variable name in the code. It’s really just the same concept as segment numbers. The key stays the same across all translations. They are only in English because that is the language of the coders.

Does that answer your question?

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All good! (Hmmm 
 adding a few words for my post to be accepted! :roll_eyes:)

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 in the Bilara interface file there are these two key/value pairs:

"dictionary:dictionaryResultsText": "Pali dictionary results for"


"dictionaryResults": "SuttaCentral — Dictionary results"

However I can’t find any of them on the website.

May I ask what kind of work you are doing, and in which context you are seeing these things?

I have a memory that in the search dialogue on SC there was the option to select seeing only results from the dictionaries. Perhaps this is what it referred to? But I can’t find this option any more at the moment. Bhante @Snowbird should know if this has been disabled perhaps.

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The second one

is found at the top of the dictionary page. (When you click on a word in the text, you get a definition at the bottom. When you click on the word again, within the definition, you a get a whole dictionary page, which is headed by the phrase above.)

I am helping to translate the interface into Norwegian. I only have a list of words/phrases, and I need to see their context on the website to be able to translate properly.

Anyway, things are going quite well, and I suspect the phrase in question may no longer exist on the website.

Thanks again for your support!

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Ah yes! How could I miss this! :smile:

Wonderful! :dolphin:

Quite possible. There are a number of such things hanging around.

You are most welcome! :pray:

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