Is cessation of perception and feeling nibbana?

I mean nibbana with residue not full nibbana without residue or what we call full extinguishment so they may still have body

since there is no craving, aversion and delusion while in that state they have nibbana with residue while only in that state after emerging from that state their ignorance may arise again due to the arising of feeling

Your edit comes a bit late, nevertheless, my reply still should cover your questions, some of them anyway.

I dunno how it is possible to get a view so very different from the usual traditional understanding of Buddhism from Buddhist societies. I guess it’s due to you haven’t read all of the suttas and formulate partial views to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

I too haven’t read all of the suttas, but I have more confidence in the traditional view as it’s consistent with the suttas as I read them, usually. And the “fun” of the Early Buddhist text is actually to deconstruct some traditional views if the suttas are found to contradict it. Having to debunk misunderstanding of partial views as yours is not so fun with limited internet.

I was saying that even the gods of non-precipient are not even stream winners necessarily. Having glimpsed nibbana, known nibbana, all these can be in many context be equated with stream winners, and stream winners are known to be freed from lower realms of rebirth. Irreversible attainment stream winner is.

See my long answers for the notes which says that devas of percipient beings are not necessarily stream winners.

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No one said they are arahant or stream winners

You said it, by the quoted paragraph above.

That’s temporary if equanimity feeling arise they will fall from that plane due to ignorance when equanimity feeling arise ignorance arise unless you are arahant

As I said above, I dunno why I need to repeat this, Nibbana is irreversible, no such thing as temporary nibbana.

Now do you get it?

Please, decouple your view that if one dies in CPF, one gets reborn in the devas of percipient beings, it has been debunked by this post Is cessation of perception and feeling nibbana? - #41 by NgXinZhao

And that view is also blocking you from understanding the logic behind our comments for the last few comments. I am trying to show you that devas of non-precipient beings are not ariyas (enlightened ones), and CPF are only attainable by some enlightened ones. And they are thus not the same. The term nibbana is only to be used for enlightened ones. As in experiencing nibbana etc.

I mean the temporary cessation of defilements the temporary cessation of craving, aversion and ignorance I am sorry for being unclear

“No, not in all instances. Take a mendicant who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. With this they give up greed, and the underlying tendency to greed does not lie within that. And take a mendicant who reflects: ‘Oh, when will I enter and remain in the same dimension that the noble ones enter and remain in today?’ Nursing such a longing for the supreme liberations gives rise to sadness due to longing. With this they give up repulsion, and the underlying tendency to repulsion does not lie within that. Take a mendicant who, giving up pleasure and pain, and ending former happiness and sadness, enters and remains in the fourth absorption, without pleasure or pain, with pure equanimity and mindfulness. With this they give up ignorance, and the underlying tendency to ignorance does not lie within that.”

As aversion/repulsion/hate arises from painful feeling


The underlying tendency to greed should be given up when it comes to pleasant feeling. The underlying tendency to repulsion should be given up when it comes to painful feeling. The underlying tendency to ignorance should be given up when it comes to neutral feeling

Even in fourth jhana there is no painful feeling what exists is neutral feeling so there’s no defilements there are no craving, aversion and ignorance while in fourth jhana let alone cessation attainment