Is word of Buddha lost in the noise and translations?

Few of the examples I would like to share here, I don’t know where this thought struck in my mind and went on details in finding the meanings to understand DO properly, discussed here How to penetrate Dependent Co-arising?

  • To understand DO we need a start and the best start should be about world, what is the world, what people do here, why nibbana and what is dhamma / teaching for DO

  • Ignorance addressed in much details page 13, and page 14 showing if you switch sides automatically the waterfall will take you to wisdom and nibbana - page 13

  • jāti – Rebirth including the Rebirth by choice and realms connection from here till bhava - page 36

  • How Thirst leads to Unskillful Activities and Unhappiness, to understand this better lets first set the context, with each eon, universe expands and then contracts in cycles. There comes a time when, after a very long period has passed page 32

  • khandhā - a broken piece, section and (5 khandhās are the sections of personality we take up as self)
    akhaṇḍa unbroken, entire, whole, in -kārin (sikkhāya) fulfilling or practising the whole of (the commandments)
    I see previous one has been used at many places but it looks like later one would have been very clear to someone 2600 years ago in the given context and they mean different, when we look at it this way the meaning changes so something we take it as me or mine(akhanda), is broken into 5 pieces or sections by buddha saying this is not mine. - page 21

  • Sankhāra – in the widest sense the “world of phenomena”, everything (all conditioned things 5 khandhās) which have been made up by pre-existing causes, produces kamma
    Pre-context(16 Sanskara - sankhāra - saṃskāra, - sacraments, rites of passage, in a human being’s life) and the process of rituals with karma and ahuti very common in those days and still now page 7,22

  • upādāna - āhuti - oblation, sacrifice, performed with everything I do by mind, speech or body - page 33