John Kelly Pali course 2023: Warder lesson 15a

Yes, I do, Ven @Acala. It will most likely be Monday mornings at 9am (Brisbane time), i.e. UTC 23:00. I just haven’t pinned down what the start date will be yet.

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This makes sense to me; John in your exercise key you use etaṃ. This also makes sense to me if I’m looking at Warder pg. 29 when he talks about using ta(d) 3ppl as a pronoun of absence. I was trying to understand why you chose etaṃ instead of idaṃ and concluded I am splitting hairs. Correct?

Yes, sort of splitting hairs, Beth, as etaṃ or etaḍ is almost indistinguishable in meaning to idaṃ. See Warder, p.30. They’re both classified as ‘deictic’ or ‘present’, and Warder says they are “hardly distinguishable in meaning”. And then, he goes a bit further in the footnote 1 where he says “Where there is any distinction idaṃ indicates a nearer object or emphasizes the nearness” this one, whist eta(d) is simply indefinite."