John Kelly's Pāli Class 2024 (G&K) Class 4

They are all nominative - upasampadā feminine, akaraṇaṁ and pariyodapanaṁ both neuter.

The English editorial punctuation is poor. Should be commas after lines 1 and 2, then a semi-colon after line 3. All three of these are the “teaching of the enlightened ones”.

And as Stephen reminds us - Pāli itself uses no punctuation.


Thank you, @stephen and @johnk.

The DPD digital dictionary says that sacittapariyodapanaṁ is accusative. So confused…

It depends what you look up in DPD
pariyodapana is nt, while pariyodapanā is fem. See below:
Screen Shot 2024-04-07 at 6.03.38 pm

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neut sg nominative of {pariyodapana} = pariyodapanaṃ. Got it. :slight_smile:

But if I didn’t check with the glossary provided by G&K, how could I know to look up the words sacittaṃ and pariyodapanaṃ instead of sacittapariyodapanaṁ? :confounded:

Compounds have to be broken up to understand their meaning.

From PED:

Pariyodapana (nt.) & ā (f.) [fr. pariyodapeti], cleansing, purification

The most recognizable part of this compound is likely ‘citta’, which means ‘mind’. It’s prefixed with ‘sa’ which, in this context means ‘one’s own’. It’s joined with ‘pariyodapana’ which means ‘purification’.
The two parts exist in a a genitive relationship.


This is the reason why we have to ‘know’ compounds, instead of just relying on pasting the whole word onto the dictionary? :smiley: :grin: :laughing:

Thank you so much. :pray:

The component parts of a compound have to be recognized and understood. Then the relationship between the parts needs to be understood.
In this case, it’s a genitive tappurisa describing sasana.

It’s nice that it works as a whole pada for the sloka meter.

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I forgot that it was a sloka, not prose. Will keep this in mind when reading verse. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. :pray: :sunflower:

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The Dhammapada can be seen as a book of poetry. In fact, much of the Pali Canon is in verse. This ‘artistic’ side of it is often overlooked, we tend to just read for ‘data’ or ‘meaning’.

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I really don’t know what to respond. You’ve really hit the nail on the head! Definitely my head!

Will need to adjust my approach!

:pray: :sunflower:

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In honor of his birthday, and to attune our ears to the music of poetic metre….

My Heart Leaps Up

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

–William Wordsworth


FYI: Misspellings

Lesson II, Reading #2, para. 3 (AN 3.19):

2nd instance of samannāgato misspelled in G&K as samannagāto

Also, Reading #2, para. 4 (AN 3.19)

sāyaṇhasamayaṃ misspelled in G&K as sayāṇhasamayaṃ

My Microsoft Word spell-check in action! (Unless these are somehow alternative spellings.)



Similar to Dheerayupa’s conundrum, I cannot fathom how to deconstruct sammantīdha such that it means “cease in this world.” :weary:

Update: I do now see sammati as 3ps passive for “to (be) ceased”…but is “the world” inferred?

Alas I must move on to the next paragraph. The Child was with the 91-year-old Man and Woman for the last few days. My time and energy was totally preoccupied and I shan’t finish in time for tonight!

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‘Sammanti’ would be third person plural. ‘They cease’. It’s compounded with ‘idha’ = ‘here’.

(The sentence is negated).


@BethL I can’t finish the homework, either! :cold_sweat:

@John, @stephen This is my work on the Hatred sloka. I’m no Wordsworth though I did try when I was younger, but gave up when people didn’t understand me! :grin: :laughing:

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Here is the Norman translation for Dhammapada #5, very helpful for Pali students.

(My comment and love of Wordsworth not withstanding, I encourage Pali students to translate as literally as possible. At least at first).

  1. For not by hatred are hatreds ever quenched here, but they are quenched by non-hatred.
    This is the ancient rule.

And his note on this verse helpfully points out,
“ca = tu ‘but’. “


I was thinking about choosing the definitions ‘ancient’ and ‘principle’. :grin:

Unfortunately, class start might be delayed, everybody. Having some power and internet issues in the house. Sorry!

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Here is a print copy of the Power-point slides from today’s class:
SC Pali 2024 Class 4 Slides.pdf (746.9 KB)


Dheerayupa, you can tell it’s poetry and not prose both by the way it is laid out in the book and by the fact that G&K mention that it comes from the Dhammapāda.

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