Make a rainbow fall at our feet šŸŒˆ tell us about our mistakes, typos, and other oversights


Footnote in DN 16: For last reference Kd 22, opening parenthesis missing.

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Comment to MN 1:51.1:

The ā€œperfected oneā€ is the arahant, literally ā€œworthy oneā€, who is the Buddhist spiritual ideal. Their direct knowing is so powerful that it has cut through all fetters bindings them to transmigration.

Should be ā€œall fetters binding themā€ (no ā€œsā€ at the end of ā€œbindingā€).

A formatting error in Bhikkhu Bodhiā€™s DN 1:

This shouldnā€™t be part of the list.

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Iā€™ve fixed this and will submit.


MN5:2.1: ā€œCattārome, āvuso, puggalā santo saį¹vijjamānā lokasmiį¹.
ā€œMendicants, these four people are found in the world.

Should be ā€œreverendsā€ instead of ā€œmendicantsā€.

Alobha, adosa, amoha are usually translated ā€œcontentment, love, and understandingā€, but in DN 33 and DN 34 they are ā€œnon-greed, non-hate, and non-delusionā€.


Footnote in DN 16. ā€œAs a from ā€¦ā€ should read ā€œAs a form ā€¦ā€ Also: Closing bracket is missing after ā€œBu Ss 2:2.1.21.ā€


At this page: it shows the following card:

It is a Tibetan translation of the Udanavarga, but the language-label in front reads ā€œLZHā€ meaning ā€œChineseā€ where I would have expected ā€œXCTā€ for ā€œTibetanā€.

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Footnote in DN 16. ā€œFrom heā€ should probably read ā€œFrom where heā€ or something to this effect.

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Just curiousā€¦does the IT/web support team manage the bugs in some kind of workflow/ticket system like Jira? I realize there is minimal staff, almost all volunteer. But just wondering from an IT agile perspective. I canā€™t imagine trying to track bugs and fixes otherwise. Or if I can support in any way.
Much mettā :blush:

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Jegucchi in the context of spiritual practice is usually translated ā€œdisgust of sinā€, except for in MN 12 and Snp 4.13, where it is ā€œdisgust at sinā€.

Sāyatatiyakampi udakorohanānuyogamanuyutto viharati
is sometimes translated ā€œthey pursue the practice of immersion in water three times a day, including the eveningā€, sometimes ā€œtheyā€™re committed to the practice of immersion in water three times a day, including the eveningā€.

MN12:52.13: Seyyathāpi nāma āsÄ«tikapabbāni vā kāįø·apabbāni vā; evamevassu me aį¹…gapaccaį¹…gāni bhavanti tāyevappāhāratāya.
Due to eating so little, my limbs became like the joints of an eighty-year-old or a corpse,

I am not sure how you come to this translation for āsÄ«tikapabbāni vā kāįø·apabbāni vā. Both Bhikkhu Bodhi and Bhikkhu Mettiko (German) have ā€œthe jointed segments of vine stems or bamboo stemsā€, and the DPD says the same.

Tittakalābu (or tittakālābu) is ā€œbitter gourdā€ in AN 1.314, AN 10.104, and MN 46 and ā€œbitter-gourdā€ in MN 12, MN 36, MN 85, and MN 100.

comment at mn61:17.6:
speech ([mn61:11.6]()). ā†’ speech ([mn61:14.6]()).

an10.55:4.2 and an10.55:5.2 the Canuck in me is wondering ā€œgot to knowā€ ā†’ ā€œgotten to knowā€?

I think the only system is GitHub issues. The items in this thread are mostly with translations, so every so often Bhante Sujato will go through it in real time and make the corrections (I think). The actual bug thread Iā€™m not sure. I think HongDa will just deal with the simple ones as they come.

If you would like to volunteer, best thing is to send Bhante Sujato a PM. I have noticed that some issues get completed without being closed, so he might like someone to go through and check on those things.


Comment to MN 12:42.5:

We have met tibba above in the sense of ā€œsharpā€ feelings. It commonly means ā€œscorchingā€ which fits here; a hot forest is quite unpleasant, enhancing the pleasure of finding a cool lotus pond. At sn22.84:10.10 the same phrase is listed along with a range of other unpleasant geographies, and is said to be a term for ignorance.

It seems to me the forest grove is here not part of the suffering side of the scenery, but rather of the side of relief. Further down, after having drunk and bathed in the lotus pond, the person lies down in that forest grove to rest. As tibba can also mean simply ā€œdenseā€ (according to DPD), I think this would rather be the meaning here.

Thank you Ven. @Snowbird ! The github site looks quite efficient for tracking and closing. Iā€™ll PM Bhante.


In Snp1.12

As the crested blue-necked peacock flying through the sky never approaches the speed of the swan

It should probably be translated as goose, not swan. Referring to Bhante Dhammikaā€™s ā€œNature and the Environment in Early Buddhismā€ (page 198), hamsa is a term of geese or ducks. India didnā€™t have swan until British introduced them.

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\color{red}Something missing\color{black}Feeling aggregate had not ceased at this plane? (It) had ceased.

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In the abbreviations list it has this:

From what I can tell the abbrevation for Dharmapadas is dharmapadas

The term netaį¹ į¹­hānaį¹ vijjati is sometimes translated ā€œit is quite impossibleā€, and sometimes ā€œthereā€™s no way it couldā€, or other variations.

Here looking at AN 1.41-50, where there are different forms in the same text; the same for the opposite too.

AN4.165:2.2: Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco akkhamo hoti sÄ«tassa uį¹‡hassa jighacchāya pipāsāya, įøaį¹samakasavātātapasarÄ«sapasamphassānaį¹ duruttānaį¹ durāgatānaį¹ vacanapathānaį¹ uppannānaį¹ sārÄ«rikānaį¹ vedanānaį¹ dukkhānaį¹ tibbānaį¹ kharānaį¹ kaį¹­ukānaį¹ asātānaį¹ amanāpānaį¹ pāį¹‡aharānaį¹ anadhivāsakajātiko hoti.
Itā€™s when a mendicant cannot endure cold, heat, hunger, and thirst. They cannot endure the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, and reptiles. They cannot endure rude and unwelcome criticism. And they cannot put up with physical painā€”sharp, severe, acute, unpleasant, disagreeable, and life-threatening.

Itā€™s not a mendicant, but ā€œsomeoneā€. The same in segment 3.2.

I havenā€™t read the Venerableā€™s book but since some swan species are migratory, they donā€™t necessarily need to be introduced to the Indian subcontinent to be spotted there.

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Swan or goose controversy. Here on D&D you learn something new every day!

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