Make a rainbow fall at our feet 🌈 tell us about our mistakes, typos, and other oversights

Comment to MN69:17.1:

In the suttas, abhivinaya means “about the teaching” just as abhidhamma means “about the Vinaya” …

Should be: "abhivinaya means “about the vinaya” just as abhidhamma means “about the dhamma”.

MN64:13.2: So yadeva tattha hoti vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ …
They contemplate the phenomena there as impermanent …

Perhaps it would be good to abbreviate a little less here and still mention the aggregates of feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness, so that it becomes evident that the form aggregate is not listed here (we are in the formless attainments).

Comment to MN70:16.2:

Of course these arahants have practiced absorption, which is an essential part of the eightfold path. But because of their strong insight, they they have not needed to further develop the ultimate refinement of the formless attainments.

“They” is duplicated.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: SuttaCentral: bug reports

SN 16, section 9, “The Deaths in Natika,” in 8th paragraph:

… Bhadda, and and Subhadda had ended the five lower fetters. …

Note repeated ‘and’ before the name Subhadda.