New translations by Ajahn Thanissaro on

For folks not following his RSS feed, Ajahn Thanissaro has published five new sutta translations. Hasn’t been much over the last year, so I thought I would mention it.

Just like Bhante Sujato has done, MN85 fills in almost all of the repetitions, making it one of the longest (if not the longest) in the MN.


A sort of interesting rendering of a passage which has received much attention recently.

AN 3.64 ( AN 3.63)

“If, brahman, having become like this, I am walking back & forth, my walking back & forth on that occasion is divine. “

Quite literal. But I’m not sure it has meaning.


Just saw more have been added:

Saṁyutta 1:8 Susammuṭṭha Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:17 Dukkara Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:21 Satti Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:36 Saddhā Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:59 Dutiya Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:62 Citta Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:63 Taṇhā Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:65 Bandhana Sutta, Saṁyutta 1:73 Vitta Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:5 Dāmali Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:8 Tāyana Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:23 Serī Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:25 Jantu Sutta, Saṁyutta 2:26 Rohitassa Sutta, Saṁyutta 3:2 Purisa Sutta, Saṁyutta 3:3 Rāja Sutta, Saṁyutta 4:1 Tapokamma Sutta, Saṁyutta 4:24 Sattavassa Sutta, Saṁyutta 4:25 Māradhītu Sutta, Saṁyutta 6:13 Andhakavinda Sutta, Saṁyutta 6:14 Aruṇavatī Sutta, Saṁyutta 9:3 Kassapa Gotta Sutta, Saṁyutta 9:4 Sambahula Sutta, and Saṁyutta 9:5 Ānanda Sutta,
posted July 19

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I suggest editing your first post so that it would’t be confusing to see 5 when the topic says 29.

8 New Suttas
Therāgatā 2:17 Tissa Sutta, Therāgatā 2:19 Nanda Sutta, Therāgatā 2:42 Dhammapāla Sutta, Therāgatā 2:43 Brahmāli Sutta, Therāgatā 3:9 Satimattiya Sutta, Therāgatā 4:2 Bhagu Sutta, Therāgatā 4:4 Nandaka Sutta, and Saṁyutta 21:8 Nanda Sutta.
posted February 4

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If you are interesed in finding out about these directly, Ajahn’s site has an RSS feed. That’s how I find out about them.


Probably. Especially in AN/SN there’s literally hundreds if not thousands of suttas that are basically the same formula.

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I think it’s good to keep this mostly an announcement thread, but I’m not going to bother the mods with trying to enforce it…

If folks think it’s useful/interesting/etc to speculate/theorize on why the venerable translates what he does, perhaps a new thread could be created.