Online sutta study group?

I’m interested to meet weekly with a group of dedicated Dhamma practitioners perhaps reading a sutta each time and discussing?

I listen a lot passively to Dhamma daily and meditate for the last 18 years but I’m thinking the progress will be enhanced with Dhamma converations based on early EBT? anyone interested ?

we can then find a suitable time :slight_smile:


Open invitation to sunday sutta study - Discussion - Discuss & Discover (

Group readings - Is there any interest here? - The Watercooler - Discuss & Discover (


Thank you Bhante for linking my thread.
I’ve been successfully hosting a sutta reading group for the past few months. We usually have at least four people but sometimes have as many as eight or nine. Would love to have you join if you are available
I’ll message you details

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There is a weekly Dhamma Contemplation group here: iSangha – Tilorien Monastery

Its peer-led and mostly focused on suttas. Its not necessarily very formal study, though. More of an open discussion using insight dialogue.


Thanks @remy.
By way of clarification, the group makes use of Dharma Contemplation. Like Insight Dialog, Dharma Contemplation was developed by Gregory Kramer.

The purpose of the Dharma Contemplation approach is to ground the participants on how the text impacts on them - how it makes them feel. Subsequent discussion is informed by this, and orients the discussion more towards the meaning that the participants find in the text, rather than a dissection of technical details.

There is, of course, a place for both a Contemplation approach and a more technical approach. During covid, I led a local Zoom group that worked though Bhikkhu Bodhi’s book In the Buddha’s Words, and that was very rewarding. At about the same time I found the ISangha group, which was an excellent complement.


If you’re interested, I’m part of an online English speaking group which studies suttas every Sunday.
It’s an amazing opportunity to read suttas to better understand them and to exchange on matters regarding the path.
I can send you more infos if you want !
With mettā.

Clear Mountain Upasakas meet fortnightly on Monday evenings for Sutta study. More info on the calendar:

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thank you gor to join? is the Zoom shown on youtube? or private?

yes please. unfortunately the other sutta groups didn’t end up working with timing so I’m still looking for

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Wonderful! Do you have Facebook ? If you do you can send me a private message with your name so I can add you onto the group ! Otherwise if you don’t I can give your email to the person taking care of the group.
So as I said it’s usually on Sundays at 6pm European time if that works for you.

yes either?
can you send me a private msg? how to reach u privately?

I’ve just sent you a message!

You have to join the Discord server. The invites are posted there.

Thank you for linking my thread, Bhante