Pali keyboard

Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone has managed to find a pali language input for android phones? That is to say a pali alphabet as ‘a language’ you can choose from as opposed to a separate keyboard… For example when you want to change from English to another language you just swipe… so that you don’t have to always change the keyboard you use via control panel…? Thnks


I have gboard on my phone, you can add Sanskrit to the list of used languages, it has all the required symbols for Pali

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What do you mean by g board? What’s the name to search on playstore…? Would it work on a samsung android?

That’s the name on playstore, just gboard. Is it compatible with your phone? I have no idea.

On previous phone I used something called anysoftkeyboard, it had pali / sanskrit plugin.

How did you manage to get the plug in to work for the any soft keyboard?

There was a pali-sanskrit language pack for it, installed as separate application, but I can’t find it anymore

I found ask-pali-keyboard on Ven. Yuttadhammo’s github repository, it’s the language pack you need, but I don’t know how to install it manually

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Damn dukkha arising


Android users,
Use Multiling O keyboard…

  1. Install the keyboard and enable it.
    MoKeyboard google playstore
  2. Select the keyboard
  3. Install the dictionaries/ Pāli plugin
  4. Select Pāli language
    I. Hold space bar and drag it towards languages button,
    II. Select no 1. Latin (abc) > Pāli (IAST)
    Now you can type pali-sanskrit characters.

Suggest if there are better options


Hi Bhante, what about for computer/laptaop any ideas?

Do you want for Mac or Windows?

Windows thanks… not enough characters…?

This link may be helpful for Romanized Pali on Windows, Mac and Linux.

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On this page

You’ll find an .exe file you can run to give you hotkeys to type Pāḷi letters. It doesn’t install, it just runs. It on;y works on Windows. Let me know if this works for you @Bhante_Darma

It’s an AutoHotKey script compiled as an executable. If you like to play around or change the keystrokes, the original script is on that page as well.


For the (built-in?) Android “Gboard” my friend recently made a custom dict file with the common Pali terms found in the AtI Glossary:


Oh nice, do you use DPR on firefox? It seems it updates itself and the new version doesn’t work with DPR? It keeps saying the DPR extension is corrupted when i try to open it? Any ideas VEn?

Mudita citta @snowbird got it working!

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Anysoftkeyboard & Pali Plugin

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