'parisuddhena cetasā pariyodātena' and 'citte parisuddhe pariyodāte'

Oh, sorry @Brahmali !
Its Brahm, not Brahmali.

Lexical (through textual references,) to the root vid, in the texts prior and after Buddha’s time (like SBr and MBh) shows that the meaning of that root conveyed across the centuries, a meaning of experience. And that abides in Brahm’s sense.

Vedana as an agent of vid has this underlying meaning of:

  • become or be acquainted with RV.
  • notice RV. AV. Br.
  • to experience , feel RV. SBr.
  • to wish to know (or learn), inquire about SBr. MBh.

In the same way, sanna (usually translated as perception) has a meaning of “inquiry with assumptions”. Which goes pretty much in hand with the “whish to know more” of vedana.
Aren’t the higher gods of the 31 planes, the gods who are not inquiring (anymore) and making assumptions; nor (yet) not inquiring.