Ponobbhavika from aṭṭhakathā and tīka

I want to know how people translate these passages and why translate Ponobhavika as “leading to rebirth”? :pray:

From aṭṭhakathā:
ponobbhavikāti punabbhavakaraṇaṃ punobbhavo, punobbhavo sīlamassāti ponobbhavikā. Apica punabbhavaṃ deti, punabbhavāya saṃvattati, punappunaṃ bhave nibbattetīti ponobbhavikā. Sā panesā punabbhavassa dāyikāpi atthi adāyikāpi, punabbhavāya saṃvattanikāpi atthi asaṃvattanikāpi, dinnāya paṭisandhiyā upadhivepakkamattāpi. Sā punabbhavaṃ dadamānāpi adadamānāpi, punabbhavāya saṃvattamānāpi asaṃvattamānāpi, dinnāya paṭisandhiyā upadhivepakkamattāpi ponobbhavikā evāti nāmaṃ labhati.

From tīka:
Uttarapadalopaṃ katvā “Punabbhavakaraṇaṃ punobbhavo”tiāha. “Manosamphasso”ti ettha mano viya ca purimapadassa okārantatā daṭṭhabbā. Atha vā sīlaṭṭhena ika-saddena gamiyatthattā kiriyāvācakassa saddassa adassanaṃ daṭṭhabbaṃ yathā “Apūpabhakkhanasīlo āpūpiko”ti. “Taddhitā”iti bahuvacananiddesā vicittattā vā taddhitānaṃ abhidhānalakkhaṇattā vā “Punabbhavaṃ detī”tiādīsu atthesu ponobbhavikasaddasiddhi daṭṭhabbā. Tattha kammasahajātā punabbhavaṃ deti, kammasahāyabhūtā tadasahajātā punabbhavāya saṃvattati, duvidhāpi punappunaṃ bhave nibbatteti. Tenevāha “Punabbhavassa dāyikāpī”tiādi. ponobbhavikāyevāti nāmaṃ labhatīti punabbhavaṃ dāyikāpi adāyikāpi punabbhavaṃ deticceva ponobbhavikāti samānavipākāti nāmaṃ labhati samānasabhāvattā tadānubhāvattā ca. Evaṃ itaresu daṭṭhabbaṃ. Tattha upadhimhi yathānibbatte attabhāve vipaccanakammaṃ etissāti upadhivepakkā.


ponobbhavikā (as an adjective of the word taṇhā, or tṛṣṇā in sanskrit) is a taddhita derivative of ‘punar + bhava’. Punar is spelt as pana in Pali, so ponobbhāvikā is something that causes birth (bhava) again (punar).

ponobbhavikāti (the word ponobbhavikā) - punabbhavakaraṇaṃ (the cause of puna-bhava i.e. rebirth), punobbhavo sīlam assāti ponobbhavikā (something whose characteristic is the causation of punarbhava is called punarbhavikā).

punabbhavaṃ deti (it bestows rebirth), punabbhavāya saṃvattati (it leads to rebirth), punappunaṃ bhave nibbatteti (it brings birth again and again) - iti ponobbhavikā (hence it is called ponobbhavikā)

The rest of the commentary you’ve posted above describes it further.


Many thanks Srkris! :pray: Allow me to ask you a little more: “Sā panesā punabbhavassa dāyikāpi atthi adāyikāpi, punabbhavāya saṃvattanikāpi atthi asaṃvattanikāpi, dinnāya paṭisandhiyā upadhivepakkamattāpi” - does it mean that there are some “ponobbhavika” that allow, which leads to rebirth and some do not allow, do not lead to rebirth?

Here the sā refers to the taṇhā (not the ponobbhāvikā) - which can lead to punabbhava (in which case it is called ponobbhāvikā), or not lead to punabbhava (in which case the adjective ponobbhāvikā would not apply to it).

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I dropped the previous question because I understood assāti as assa iti. But I still don’t understand this sentence in your translation. Can you clarify it?

Here, can “punappunaṃ bhave nibbatteti” mean “it is reborn again and again in life”?

It would be assā iti (assa is masculine), siñce taṇhā & ponobbhavikā are fem. the gender of assā should agree with them.

punobbhavo sīlam assā iti ponobbhavikā - sīlam here means repetitive/habitual action. The commentator is saying that a ponobbhavikā taṇhā is so called as it repetitively causes punobbhava (rebirth).

“punappunaṃ bhave nibbatteti” - here nibbatteti (sanskrit: nirvartayati) means ‘to bring about’. bhave is the accusative plural of bhava (" state of existence"). It is not the taṇhā that is reborn again and again in life, but it causes rebirth (again and again) of the one who has taṇhā.

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Well, thank you very much, I understood. :pray: “Ponobbhavika is the word for something that has a rebirth (or for something that has a next state) with a habit”.

This is the translation of Ñāṇamoli Thera (Dispeller of Delusion I 132).


Thanks bhante, is this translation available on the internet, sir?:pray:

It’s not stored at Internet Archive, afaik, but think it is available from Scribd or some site of that sort.

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ponobbhavikā evāti nāmaṃ labhati - I think it means: Only such is it called ponobhavika. I.e. something “dinnāya paṭisandhiyā upadhivepakkamattāpi” (the translation is missing this one paragraph), right?

upadhivepakkamattāpi - matta, sir?