Pv 14 ghost or deva?

Hi all,

  1. I was wondering in Pv 14, was the ghost reborn as a deva or did it remain as a ghost?

  2. There seems to be a small error in this translation: SuttaCentral. When the ghost was responding to Moggallana, it said it was the mother of Sariputta (Sāriputtassāhaṁ mātā) and would not be saying “I was your mother” to Moggallana.



Good catch on the typo. I have submitted a change request.

When you read the PV as a whole, you see that ghosts appear to sometimes enjoy happiness like devas. So in this sutta the ghost is still a ghost, but enjoying happiness because of the merit shared. They aren’t reborn as a deva.

For an example of a ghost who sometimes enjoys great pleasure, see:


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A preta (pali spelling: peta) is the spirit of a dead person (the word is grammatically analyzed as pra + i + ta, and literally means “departed”), but whose funeral and/or annual offering rites are not yet performed by their offspring or nearest kin. Being denied of their annual food offerings at their śrāddha they roam around forever hungry and their place of stay is said to be naraka/niraya, or cemeteries/burial grounds. If their traditional annual food offerings were made, they would not remain a preta and would take their place in the pitṛloka (the world of the ancestors).

Can you share your source for this information?

General knowledge of one’s own culture (I belong to the culture)

And which culture is that? The Newar Buddhist culture of Kathmandu? Or the Shingon culture of Shikoku? Or…?

Vedic Brahmanism in India

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