Report bugs for the new site here! 🐛

I encountered a D&D bug with the new SC Material Design Theme and it hinders the usability of links behind graphical elements on small screens (in case scenarios involving tables) to a point of not being able to use them at all.

This seems to occur on smaller screens only (tested on mobile browser with resolution 720x1280 and on desktop/tablet browsers with full width 1366x768 (all elements visible) and resized to 1/3 width (elements resized or invisible as on mobile)). The results were consistent both on mobile and desktop with Chromium and Edge so this is an indication that it is a CSS/theme issue.

Here are the screenshots:
BSWA Bhikkhuni & Bhikkhu Sangha---Friday Dhamma Talks---Dhammaloka 1990--2000 (pictures resized, emojis OK)

Ajahn Brahm---Dhamma Talks---Malaysia (both pictures and emojis resized)

BSWA Bhikkhuni & Bhikkhu Sangha---Friday Dhamma Talks---Dhammaloka 2018 (pictures OK, emojis (with download links) invisible)

It seems that the new theme allows resizing of graphical elements (pictures and emojis) in cramped spaces which leads to null dimensions in extreme cases.